Sunday 7 May 2017

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Bitte versuche es erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich bitte an Customer Support. Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS World) ist ein kostenloses digitales Schlachtfeldspiel. Unser Traum ist es, die authentischste und realistischste Simulation von Militärflugzeugen, Panzern und Schiffen zu bieten. Der kostenlose Download beinhaltet einen riesigen Einsatzbereich der Kaukasus-Region und des Schwarzen Meeres, der viel von Georgien umfasst. Es enthält auch die fliegbaren russischen Sukhoi Su-25T Bodenangriff Flugzeuge und der berühmte WWII Nordamerikanischen TF-51D Kämpfer. Der Download kommt mit einem der leistungsstärksten Missionsplaner, die jemals entworfen wurden, volles Netzwerkspiel und mehr als 145 AI Waffensysteme, 113 Bodenfahrzeuge und Züge, 16 Schiffe und 73 AI Flugzeuge, die es Ihnen erlauben, hochentwickelte Missionen zu planen und zu spielen. DCS World ist massiv erweiterbar durch zusätzliche DCS-Module sowie benutzerdefinierte Add-ons und Mods, die Sie von unserer Seite kaufen und herunterladen können. DCS ist eine echte Sandbox-Simulation, die auch entworfen ist, um mehrere Zeiträume von Interesse wie WWII, Vietnam, Golfkrieg und andere zu decken. Als Beispiele für Produkte, die zur Fertigstellung für DCS vorangehen, ist die Normandie 1944 in der Endphase der Entwicklung und der Persische Golf ist dicht hinter sich. DCS World ist grundsätzlich ein tiefes, authentisches und realistisches Simulationsspiel, das auch ein entspannteres Spiel für den Benutzer und sein besonderes Niveau an Erfahrung und Training bietet. Der Ehrgeiz ist es, die Benutzer von Anfänger Piloten bis hin zu den fortschrittlichsten und anspruchsvollsten Betreiber solcher komplexen Waffensysteme wie die A-10C oder die Mirage 2000C zu halten. Der einzige nächste Schritt ist die echte Sache Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung und für das Glauben an DCS. A-10C: Stone Shield ist eine story-driven Kampagne, die Sie in das Cockpit eines A-10C Warthog als ein USAF Pilot, der dem 445. Air Expeditionary Wing zugeordnet ist, bringt. Im Jahr 2015 haben Abchasien, Südossetien und Russland den Beginn der militärischen Übung des Kaukasus-2015 angekündigt. Die Intelligenzanalyse zeigt später, dass die Übungen tatsächlich für Russland-Streitkräfte, die sich auf das abchasische Territorium beziehen, und die weiteren eskalierenden Spannungen in der Kaukasus-Region abdecken. Der 445. Air Expeditionary Wing und die 6. mechanisierte Brigade wurden nach Georgien als Antwort der NATO eingesetzt, um Russen militärische Aggression gegen seinen friedlichen Nachbarn zu bekämpfen. Die F-5E Aggressors BFM Kampagne bringt Sie in das Cockpit eines F-5E Tiger II, als neuer Aggressor Pilot mit dem 65. Aggressor Squadron bei Nellis Air Force Base. Basierend auf realen Welt Verfahren werden Sie fliegen als Red Air gegen Blue Air Forces. Bei der Ankunft fliegen Sie einen Einführungsflug um die Nevada Test und Training Range (NTTR). Dann werden Sie eine Reihe von herausfordernden Basic Fighter Manöver (BFM) Missionen gegen ähnliche und dis-ähnliche Flugzeuge Gesicht. Zu den Gegnern gehören die F-4E, F-5E, F-14A, F-15C, F-16C, FA-18C, M-2000C, MiG-29G, CF-188 und MiG-21. Operation Piercing Fury (OPF) ist eine Geschichte getriebene Kampagne, bestehend aus Ihnen führenden einen weitergeführten A-10C Warthog Hawg Flight im georgischen Einsatzgebiet (AO). Sie werden von dem Joint Special Operations Command beauftragt und befehligt, die konventionelle und nicht konventionelle Koalitionskräfte in der Region gegen Al-Doran und Special Orientalistische islamische Armee extremistische Gruppen direkt unterstützen. Ihre Fähigkeiten werden getestet, während Sie On-Call Close Air Support (CAS), Combat Search und Rescue ausführen, bei Capture-or-Kill-Missionen unterstützen und CAS für Air-Assault-Überfälle von Special Forces-Teams in der gesamten Region bereitstellen. Die Kampagne bringt Sie direkt in die Aktion mit vielen Missionen aus real-world Szenarien, Operationen und Taktiken. OPF ermöglicht es Ihnen, die einzigartige Perspektive zu erleben, in einer Kampfzone auf der Grundlage realistischer Kommunikation, Kraftschutz, Forward Operations Basen, Kampf Vorposten und Einblick aus der Kampagne Schöpfer Ranger79 ein United States Air Force Kampf Veteran der Operation Joint Forge, Operation Southern Watch, Operation Enduring Freedom und Operation Iraqi Freiheit. Spüren Sie die Adrenalin-Rush-Bereitstellung Close Air Support in der AO Das Museum Relic ist eine Geschichte getrieben Kampagne, die zwischen den beiden kleinen fiktiven Ländern Matova und Obristen stattfindet. Als ihr Krieg sich in sein fünftes Jahr erstreckt, fühlen sich beide Nationen die Belastung, nicht in der Lage zu sein, irgendwelche ihrer verlorenen Fahrzeuge aufzufüllen. Sie werden als Charakter fliegen, der zu Beginn des Krieges nur ein Zivilist war. Aber nachdem er die schlimme Situation gesehen hat, steht sein Land vor, beschließt, in der Matova Army Air Corp einzutreten. Mit seinen Einsetzpapieren bringt er auch seine persönlichen Flugzeuge mit, die er dem Museum vor Jahren gespendet hatte. P-51D High Stakes Kampagne Die P-51D: High Stakes Kampagne ist eine Einzelspieler-Story-Kampagne für DCS: P-51D Mustang. Die Prämisse der Kampagne ist, dass ein mächtiger Geschäftsmann und Spieler namens Maslov den Pilot-for-rent Pilot Vasily Sinitsa mit Versprechen von Bergen von Geld eingesetzt hat. Im Gegenzug muss Vasily fliegen und den ehrwürdigen Mustang über eine Reihe von 15 Missionen beherrschen, die seine Fähigkeiten testen werden. Maslov wird die Vasily mehr riskieren, wenn die Kampagne fortschreitet und Vasily wird alle seine Fähigkeiten nutzen müssen, um nicht nur seine Aufgaben zu erfüllen, sondern auch sein Leben zu retten und auf lange Sicht seine Ehre. Um jede Mission vollständig abzuschließen und zum nächsten zu gehen, muss Vasily seinen Mustang an der zugewiesenen Stelle am Ende jeder Mission landen. Darüber hinaus, wegen der Handlung der Geschichte, muss Vasily sich um seinen Mustang kümmern und minimieren Schäden durch die Geschichte zu gehen. Alle Vasilys Missionen beinhalten detaillierte Briefings und Missionskartengrafiken. Jede Mission beinhaltet auch Kneipen-Briefing und Kartenseiten. Sind Sie bereit, sich auf diese epische Reise einzulassen142nd Edition - 21. Februar 2017 - Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich näher an die Abenteuer Quest Worlds (AQW), Alliance of Valiant Arms (AVA), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO), League of Legends (LoL), Realm of the Mad God (RoTMG) oder Pokemon Go (PG) Gemeinschaft und Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen, fühlen sich frei zu fallen und gelten, um Teil der offiziellen MPGH Adventure Quest Worlds Skype Group zu sein Hier. Allianz der Valiant Arms Skype Gruppe hier. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Skype Group hier. League of Legends Skype Group hier. Reich der wütenden Gott Skype Gruppe hier oder Pokemon Gehen Skype Gruppe hier. - In diesem Monat Unterschrift des Monats Contest, dessen Thema ist Qureestylequot gehostet von der News Force hat beendet Der Abstimmungsprozess hat damit begonnen, hier zu besuchen, um für die beste Unterschrift zu wählen, die mit dem Thema passt. Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Das News-Force-Mitglied, Dynastie - Das MPGH Foto des Monats steht nun im Abstimmungsprozess. Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, der Dynastie. Bitte besuchen Sie hier, um für das beste Foto zu stimmen. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft zu erwerben und an MPGH zu spenden, dann lasst euch hier über alle Vorteile informieren, die ein Premium-Mitglied ist. Wann würdest du gerne dem Publizistenteam spenden? Bitte schau dir diesen Thread an. 141. Ausgabe - 13. Februar 2017 Mitarbeiter Bewerbungen sind jetzt offen. Bewerben Sie sich hier. - Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich näher an die Abenteuer-Quest-Welten (AQW), die Allianz der Tapferen (AVA), Counter-Strike: Globale Offensive (CS: GO), League of Legends (LoL), Realm of the Mad God ( RoTMG) oder Pokemon Go (PG) Gemeinschaft und Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen, fühlen sich frei zu fallen und gelten, um Teil der offiziellen MPGH Adventure Quest Worlds Skype Group hier sein. Allianz der Valiant Arms Skype Gruppe hier. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Skype Group hier. League of Legends Skype Group hier. Reich der wütenden Gott Skype Gruppe hier oder Pokemon Gehen Skype Gruppe hier. - In diesem Monat Unterschrift des Monats Contest, dessen Thema ist Qureestylequot gehostet von der News Force hat beendet Der Abstimmungsprozess hat damit begonnen, hier zu besuchen, um für die beste Unterschrift zu wählen, die mit dem Thema passt. Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Das News-Force-Mitglied, Dynastie - Das MPGH Foto des Monats steht nun im Abstimmungsprozess. Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, der Dynastie. Bitte besuchen Sie hier, um für das beste Foto zu stimmen. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft zu erwerben und an MPGH zu spenden, dann lasst euch hier über alle Vorteile informieren, die ein Premium-Mitglied ist. Wann würdest du gerne dem Publizistenteam spenden? Bitte schau dir diesen Thread an. Geburtstage: Keine diese Woche. Post Bans: Trol553 erreichte 3000 Beiträge Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem Meilenstein Nyaro erreichte 3000 Beiträge Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem Meilenstein 140. Auflage - 6. Februar 2017 News Force rekrutiert neue Schriftsteller. Interessiert an einem Teil des Teams Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie sich hier bewerben Gratulation an DarkLordXYZ für die Erreichung von Minion - Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich näher an die Abenteuer Quest Worlds (AQW), Alliance of Valiant Arms (AVA), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ( CS: GO), League of Legends (LoL), Realm of the Mad God (RoTMG) oder Pokemon Go (PG) Gemeinschaft und Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen, fühlen sich frei zu fallen und gelten, um Teil der offiziellen MPGH Adventure Quest Worlds zu sein Skype Gruppe hier Allianz von Valiant Arms Skype Gruppe hier. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Skype Group hier. League of Legends Skype Group hier. Reich der wütenden Gott Skype Gruppe hier oder Pokemon Gehen Skype Gruppe hier. - In diesem Monat Unterschrift des Monats Contest, dessen Thema ist Qureestylequot gehostet von der News Force startet Der Einreichungsprozess hat begonnen, so bitte hier besuchen, um Ihre benutzerdefinierte Unterschrift in der Hoffnung zu gewinnen Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, Höflichkeit der News Zweitmitglied, Dynastie - Das MPGH Foto des Monats ist jetzt unter dem Einreichungsprozess. Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, der Dynastie. Bitte besuchen Sie hier, um Ihr Foto einzureichen - Die News Force rekrutiert 3 neue Schriftsteller, um sich dem Team anzuschließen. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, besuchen Sie bitte hier, um sich zu bewerben Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft zu erwerben und an MPGH zu spenden, gehen Sie bitte hier, um über alle Vorteile zu erfahren, die ein Premium-Mitglied ist. Wann möchten Sie dem Publizistenteam spenden, Dann schau dir bitte diesen Thread an. 139. Auflage - 30. Januar 2017 Lass uns in die Nachrichten - wenn du daran interessiert bist, mit den Abenteuer-Quest-Welten (AQW), Alliance of Valiant Arms (AVA), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO), näher zu kommen, League of Legends (LoL), Realm of the Mad God (RoTMG) oder Pokemon Go (PG) Gemeinschaft und Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen, fühlen sich frei zu fallen und gelten, um Teil der offiziellen MPGH Adventure Quest Worlds Skype Group hier sein. Allianz der Valiant Arms Skype Gruppe hier. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Skype Group hier. League of Legends Skype Group hier. Reich der wütenden Gott Skype Gruppe hier oder Pokemon Gehen Skype Gruppe hier. - In diesem Monat Unterschrift des Monats Contest, dessen Thema ist Qureestylequot gehostet von der News Force startet Der Einreichungsprozess hat begonnen, so bitte hier besuchen, um Ihre benutzerdefinierte Unterschrift in der Hoffnung zu gewinnen Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, Höflichkeit der News Zweitmitglied, Dynastie - Das MPGH Foto des Monats ist jetzt unter dem Einreichungsprozess ohne Thema. Der Gewinner erhält 20 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, der Dynastie. Bitte besuchen Sie hier, um Ihr Foto einzureichen. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft zu erwerben und an MPGH zu spenden, dann lasst euch hier über alle Vorteile informieren, die ein Premium-Mitglied ist. Wann möchten Sie das Publikumsteam spenden, dann bitte überprüfen Aus diesem Thread. 138. Ausgabe - 24. Januar 2017 - Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich näher mit den Abenteuer-Quest-Welten (AQW), Alliance of Valiant Arms (AVA), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO), League of Legends (LoL) , Realm of the Mad God (RoTMG) oder Pokemon Go (PG) Gemeinschaft und Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen, fühlen sich frei zu fallen und gelten, um Teil der offiziellen MPGH Adventure Quest Worlds Skype Group hier sein. Allianz der Valiant Arms Skype Gruppe hier. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Skype Group hier. League of Legends Skype Group hier. Reich der wütenden Gott Skype Gruppe hier oder Pokemon Gehen Skype Gruppe hier. - In diesem Monat Unterschrift des Monats-Wettbewerbs, dessen Thema ist quotVideo Game (s) gehostet von der News Force ist zu einem Ende Der Abstimmungsprozess hat damit begonnen, bitte hier zu besuchen, um für den 1 Gewinner zu wählen Der Gewinner erhält 10 als Preis , Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, Dynastie - Das MPGH Foto des Monats steht nun im Abstimmungsverfahren. Der Gewinner erhält 10 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, der Dynastie. Bitte besuchen Sie hier, um zu wählen Dlux hat Cock Sucker erreicht Bitte gehen Sie zu seinem Profil und spam ihn Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft zu erhalten und an MPGH zu spenden, gehen Sie bitte hier, um über alle Vorteile zu erfahren, die ein Premium-Mitglied 108th Edition - 16. Januar 2017 Glücklicher Martin-Luther-König-Tag - Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich näher an die Abenteuer-Quest-Welten (AQW), Allianz der Valiant Arms (AVA), Counter-Strike: Globale Offensive (CS: GO), League of Legends ( LoL), Realm of the Mad God (RoTMG) oder Pokemon Go (PG) Gemeinschaft und Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen, fühlen sich frei zu fallen und gelten, um Teil der offiziellen MPGH Adventure Quest Worlds Skype Group hier sein. Allianz der Valiant Arms Skype Gruppe hier. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Skype Group hier. League of Legends Skype Group hier. Reich der wütenden Gott Skype Gruppe hier oder Pokemon Gehen Skype Gruppe hier. - In diesem Monat Unterschrift des Monats-Wettbewerbs, dessen Thema ist quotVideo Game (s) gehostet von der News Force ist zu einem Ende Der Abstimmungsprozess hat damit begonnen, bitte hier zu besuchen, um für den 1 Gewinner zu wählen Der Gewinner erhält 10 als Preis , Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, Dynastie - Das MPGH Foto des Monats hat sich für die Menschen geöffnet, um ihre Fotos einzureichen. Zwar gibt es keinen Preis, es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um Ihre fotografischen Fähigkeiten zu zeigen Wenn Sie interessiert sind und Ihr Foto abschicken möchten, besuchen Sie hier. - Die Minecraft Hacks amp Cheats Abschnitt ist in der Notwendigkeit eines aktiven Minion. Wenn Sie seit mehr als 4 Monaten mit mehr als 500 Beiträgen auf der Website registriert sind und im Minecraft-Bereich aktiv sind, können Sie sich hier gerne bewerben. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft zu erwerben und an MPGH zu spenden, gehen Sie bitte hierher, um über all die Vorteile zu erfahren, die ein Premium-Mitglied ist. Wann möchten Sie das Publizistenteam spenden, dann schauen Sie sich bitte diesen Thread an. 136. Ausgabe - 9. Januar 2017 - Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich mit den Abenteuer-Quest-Welten (AQW), der Allianz der Valiant Arms (AVA), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO), League of Legends (LoL) , Realm of the Mad God (RoTMG) oder Pokemon Go (PG) Gemeinschaft und Sie erfüllen die Anforderungen, fühlen sich frei zu fallen und gelten, um Teil der offiziellen MPGH Adventure Quest Worlds Skype Group hier sein. Allianz der Valiant Arms Skype Gruppe hier. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Skype Group hier. League of Legends Skype Group hier. Reich der wütenden Gott Skype Gruppe hier oder Pokemon Gehen Skype Gruppe hier. - In diesem Monat Unterschrift des Monats Contest, dessen Thema ist quotVideo Game (s) gehostet von der News Force ist zu einem Ende kommen Wenn Sie wollen, um es zu verbinden, nicht zurückhalten und tun es hier. Der Gewinner erhält 10 als Preis, mit freundlicher Genehmigung des News Force-Mitglieds, Dynastie - Das MPGH Foto des Monats hat sich für die Leute geöffnet, um ihre Fotos einzureichen. Zwar gibt es keinen Preis, es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um Ihre fotografischen Fähigkeiten zu zeigen Wenn Sie interessiert sind und Ihr Foto abschicken möchten, besuchen Sie hier. - Die Minecraft Hacks amp Cheats Abschnitt ist in der Notwendigkeit eines aktiven Minion. Wenn Sie seit mehr als 4 Monaten mit mehr als 500 Beiträgen auf der Website registriert sind und im Minecraft-Bereich aktiv sind, können Sie sich hier gerne bewerben. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, eine Premium-Mitgliedschaft zu erwerben und an MPGH zu spenden, gehen Sie bitte hierher, um über all die Vorteile zu erfahren, die ein Premium-Mitglied ist. Wann möchten Sie das Publizistenteam spenden, dann schauen Sie sich bitte diesen Thread an. 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Wegen der Aufstellungsortregeln, die verhindern, dass Trope Namen von spoilered und die Tatsache, dass einige dieser Charaktere sind sehr wichtig sowieso, BEWARE OF POTENTIAL MASSIVE SPOILERS. Openclose alle ordner Diese Professoren werden als Experten auf Pokeacutemon in ihren jeweiligen Regionen betrachtet. Sie sind oft Forscher und sind diejenigen, die für die Verteilung von Pokeacutedexes und Starter Pokeacutemon verantwortlich sind. Sie sind alle nach Bäumen benannt. Professor Samuel Eiche (Dr. Yukinari Okido) Der Pokeacutemon Professor, der in der Region Kanto geboren ist und sich auf das Studium der Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und Pokeacutemon spezialisiert hat. Er ist der Großvater der Spieler Charaktere rivalisieren in Pokeacutemon Rot, Blau, Gelb und ihre Remakes. Er hat einen Cousin namens Samson. Abwesend-Professor. Er erinnert sich nicht einmal an seinen eigenen Enkel-Namen und muss an den Spieler erinnert werden, den er zu Beginn des Spiels auch nicht erinnern kann. Er hat offenbar auch Probleme damit, den Unterschied zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Kindern zu erzählen. Big Ol Augenbrauen. Schau dir nur den coolen alten Kerl an. Hes ein netter Kerl. Ein erfahrener Pokeacutemon Professor und ein pensionierter Badass. Kann nicht viel kühler werden. Ich war schon ein Blicker. Nach Agatha. Herr Exposition. Zu Beginn der Spiele, die eine Tradition mit den folgenden Professoren setzen. Netter Kerl. Er verehrt Pokeacutemon und Menschen gleichermaßen und gibt dem Spieler ihren Starter. Ungerade Name aus. Im ursprünglichen Japaner war er der einzige, der nur einen Namen abwenden konnte, bis sein Cousin in der siebten Generation kam. In der englischen Übersetzung haben die Professoren der fünften und sechsten Generation auch Vornamen. Pensionierte Badass Nach Agatha. Sein impliziert, dass er der Champion an einem Punkt war, da er die Hall of Fame betreten kann. Theme Naming. Eiche startet die Tradition der Namensgebung der regionalen Professoren nach Bäumen. Professor Elm (Dr. Utsugi) Der Pokeacutemon Professor, der in der Region Johto einheimisch ist, spezialisiert auf das Studium der Pokeacutemon-Zucht. Laut Professor Eiche, in Pokeacutemon HeartGold und SoulSilver. Hes auch das Beste, wenn es um die Forschung der Pokeacutemon Evolution geht. Abwesend-Professor. Einer der Johto-Starter wurde von ihm gestohlen, während er arbeitete. Adorkable Seine leicht düsteren Manierismen machen ihn nur noch angenehmer. Vergisst zu essen Was er manchmal tut Genius Ditz. Sein offizielles Kunstwerk für Pokeacutemon HeartGold und SoulSilver scheint ihn so zu porträtieren. Glücklich verheiratet. Er hat eine Frau und einen Sohn. Netter Kerl. Wie Eiche, gibt er dem Spieler ihren Starter und ist sehr ermutigend. Intelligente Leute tragen Brillen. Du bekommst kein Professor, weil ich ein Idiot bin. Theme Naming. Wie üblich ist er nach einem Baum wie andere regionale Professoren benannt. Professor Birch (Dr. Odamaki) Der Pokeacutemon Professor, der in der Region Hoenn geboren ist und sich auf das Studium der Pokeacutemon-Lebensräume und - Verteilungen spezialisiert hat. Er ist der Vater der Spieler Charaktere rivalisieren in Pokeacutemon Ruby, Sapphire, Smaragd, und ihre Remakes. Ditzy Genius Das dritte und vierte Mal ist er gejagt und fordert die Spieler Hilfe, hes verwechselt die Umzugsfabrik Machoke und seine Frau für wilde Pokeacutemon. Geek Physiques Der Rotundchubby-Typ. Glücklich verheiratet. Und hat ein Kind (zwei in Pokeacutemon Smaragd). Naturliebhaber. Im Vergleich zu den anderen Professoren. Er studiert Pokeacutemon Verhalten in der Wildnis, so dass seine Forschung oft bringt ihn nach draußen, wo er bleibt für längere Zeit. Netter Kerl. Einer der schönsten der Professoren. Das heißt, er ist der einzige Professor, der mit dem Spieler snarky wird, wenn sie sich entschließen, dem Starter keinen Spitznamen zu geben (in Omega Ruby und Alpha Sapphire). Oh, so das ist, wie Sie gerne Dinge tun, nicht einmal geben, um es einen Spitznamen, sind Sie aus Modell. Seine Einführungsspritze in RSE macht ihn viel schlanker im Vergleich zur offiziellen Kunst. Renaissance-Mann. Omega Ruby und Alpha Sapphire zeigen, dass hes geschrieben Bücher über Hoenns Geschichte im Allgemeinen sowie auf seine Pokeacutemon. Running gag. Getting gejagt von etwas nördlich von Littleroot Town und schreien für die Spieler helfen in Omega Ruby und Alpha Sapphire. Jede Situation lächerlicher (und nicht bedrohlich) als die letzte. Seine Grafik zeigt sogar, dass er läuft. Das erste Mal war es eine wilde Poochyena, die ein ziemlich bösartiger Dunkel-Typ Hund Pokeacutemon ist. Dann war es ein aufgeregtes wildes Shroomish, ein einfacher, Gras-Typ zu behandeln. Dann ist es ein Machoke von Pokeacutemon Postdienst, ein gefangener Pokeacutemon. Dann ist es seine Frau. Theme Naming. Noch einmal, ein regionaler Professor benannt nach einem Baum. Professor Rowan (Dr. Nanakamado) Der Pokeacutemon Professor, der in der Sinnoh Region, die sich auf das Studium der Pokeacutemon Evolution spezialisiert hat, Badass Bart Dieser Professor kann Hand-to-Hand kämpfen. Badass Bücherwurm. Nimmt eine Ladung von Galaktischen Grunzen an, um sie davon abzuhalten, DawnLucas zu überwältigen, viel zu ihrer Wut. Mit seinen bloßen Händen Badass Opa. Angesichts der englischen Lokalisierung, um wenigstens sechzig zu sein, kann man doch einen guten Kampf aufstellen. Sein impliziert, dass er der Champion an einem Punkt war, da er die Hall of Fame betreten kann. Badass Langmantel. Im Gegensatz zu den bisherigen Professoren, die alle Laborkittel hatten. Badass Schnurrbart. Hes der einzige Professor bis dato mit einem. Badass Normal. Wenn er eine Last von Galaktischen Grunzen bekämpft, tut er es mit seinen bloßen Händen. Kühler alter Kerl. Hes ein alter Kerl, aber zögern Sie nicht, auf dem Feld zu gehen und Ihnen zu helfen. Death Glare Vermutlich, was die bedrohlichen Ellipsen darstellen sollen. Genius Süßer Zahn Der Kühlschrank in seinem Labor ist mit Süßigkeiten gefüllt. Im Post-Spiel kannst du ihn auch im Veilstone Department Store treffen, wo er sich darüber beklagt, wie die Rage Candy Bars ausverkauft sind. Theme Naming. Wie alle Pokeacutemon-Professoren, die nach einem Baum benannt wurden. Professor Aurea Juniper (Dr. Araragi) Der Pokeacutemon Professor, der in der Region Unova einheimisch ist, die sich auf das Studium der Ursprünge von Pokeacutemon spezialisiert hat. Sie ist die erste weibliche Pokeacutemon Professorin in der Hauptreihe. Adorkable Dank ihres Ditzy Genius Status. Alle da im Handbuch. Nach dem offiziellen englischen Reiseführer ist ihr Vorname Aurea. Dies ist nicht im Spiel bis Pokmon Black 2 und White 2 erwähnt. Brainy Brunette. Ditziness beiseite Ditzy Genius Shes hell, aber nicht immer fokussiert. 80s Haar. Es daumelt seine Nase bei der Schwerkraft. Wenn man es aus dem rechten Winkel betrachtet, sieht es wie weiches Eis aus. Generation Xerox. Anscheinend ist sie ihrem Vater in Bezug auf Aussehen, Persönlichkeit und allgemeine Arbeit sehr ähnlich. Genki Mädchen. Sie ist sehr energisch und wirkt auf etwas, das sie sich sofort entschieden hat. Dies wird von der Spieler Charaktere Mutter in Black 2White 2, wo sie glücklich ist, dass Juniper bietet ihr Kind ein Pokeacutemon und Pokeacutedex, aber wird genervt sie bereits gesendet Bianca vor der Unterrichtung Ihrer Mutter. Heterosexuelle Lebenspartner. Mit Fenchel, wie sie früher College-Freunde waren. Heißer Wissenschaftler. Als der erste weibliche Wissenschaftler der Serie, wäre es schwer zu glauben, wenn die Schöpfer diese Trope bestanden hätten. Ein Steve Limit. Abgelehnt in der in der japanischen Version, wo sie und ihr Vater beide als Araragi bezeichnet werden. Spielte gerade in der englischen Version, als ihr Vater einen Vornamen gegeben hat 8212 Cedric. Theme Naming. Noch einmal ist der Professor nach einem Baum benannt, obwohl sie das Muster zerbricht. Alle früheren Professoren sind nach Laubbäumen benannt, aber nach einem Nadelbaum benannt. Cedric Juniper (Dr. Araragi Sr.) Professor Aurea Junipers Vater. Er war einmal ein Pokeacutemon-Forscher. 80s Haar. Obwohl nicht so viel wie seine Tochter. Big Ol Augenbrauen. Nicht so groß wie Eichen, aber sie sind noch ziemlich groß. Kühler alter Kerl. Oder mittlerer Alter, trotzdem. Early-Bird Cameo Du siehst ihn nicht wirklich, aber wenn du eines der Bilder in seinem Töchterlabor aussiehst, erwähnt es sie mit einem lächelnden Mann, der ihn angedeutet hat. Mittleres Saison-Upgrade. Hes derjenige, der den Pokeacutedex aufrüstet (nicht auf nationaler Ebene, obwohl das nach dem Ende des Spiels) beim ersten Treffen in Mistralton City. Ein Steve Limit. In der japanischen Version werden sowohl er als auch seine Tochter als Araragi bezeichnet. In der englischen Lokalisierung hat er einen Vornamen von Cedric, um zu vermeiden, dass zwei Zeichen mit demselben Namen bezeichnet werden. Lampshaded in der Anime, wo Ash sagt Professor Juniper und, nachdem beide reagieren, erkennt, dass das ihre beiden Namen ist. Nur ein Name. Spielte gerade in der ursprünglichen japanischen, abgewendet in internationalen Releases. Zum Beispiel gibt die englische Übersetzung ihm den vollständigen Namen und Titel von Professor Cedric Juniper. Eltern als Menschen. Nun, seine Rolle sicher ist nicht auf die Backstory Theme Naming beschränkt. So wie seine Tochter. Professor Augustine Sycamore (Dr. Platane) Der Pokeacutemon Professor, der in der Region Kalos wohnt, der sich auf die Forschung von Mega Evolution spezialisiert hat. Er studierte einmal unter Prof. Rowan, der auch einen ähnlichen Forschungsansatz hat. Aufgestiegenes Meme Ein laufender Witz unter der Fanbase ist, dass Professor Oak den Spieler auf seine Reise geschickt hat, nur um ihm romantisch alleine Zeit mit ihrer Mutter zu geben. In X und Y schickt Professor Sycamore einen Brief an die Spielerfiguren, die Mutter informiert, dass er ihr Kind auf eine Pokeacutemon-Reise schickt, die sie für einen Liebesbrief hält. Hes auch eins zum Gerücht, dass du Professor Eiche als Geheimnis kämpfen könntest, der erste Professor, den du eigentlich kämpfst. Ehrfürchtiger Mc Cool Name. Augustine Sycamore ist ein klassischer Name. Badass Bücherwurm. Er kämpft den Spieler während des Spiels, ein erster für Professoren. Das erste Mal, dass du ihn kämpfst, gibt er zu, dass er nicht sehr gut darin ist, aber er fordert dich noch viel später heraus, wo er ziemlich hart ist. Badass Labcoat Wie die anderen Professoren, trägt er einen Labcoat. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Professoren kämpft er den Spieler in Freundschaftsspielen und hat ziemlich stark Pokeacutemon. Gratuitous Französisch. Mehr als irgendein anderes Zeichen in X und Y. Schrecklicher Richter des Charakters Er scheint kein Problem mit Lysandres Rede zu haben, die Welt schön zu machen, indem man sie aus dem Dreck reinigt und den Mann für seine brennende Leidenschaft lobt. Heißer Wissenschaftler. Hes ziemlich jung für einen Professor und sehr attraktiv. Es kann Ihnen helfen, auf Ihre Suche. Er gibt dir einen Gen 1 Starter mit einem Mega Stone neben dem normalen schon ziemlich früh ins Spiel. Es war ein Geschenk. Er gibt dir eines der drei Kanto-Starter schon früh im Spiel. Mein größtes Versagen Er fühlt, dass er seinen ehemaligen Schüler Lysandres vor Jahren in die Schurkerei verlassen hätte. Netter Kerl. Dieser Typ ist wohl der angenehmste Mensch, der in der Pokeacutemon-Welt herum ist. Perma-Stoppeln Einfach zu verpassen, aber die Eröffnungssequenz zeigt ein bisschen davon. Wiederkehrender Chef. Einmal in seinem Labor verpackt alle drei Kanto Starter, und einmal viel später in das Spiel, wo er hat die Kanto Starter voll entwickelt Versionen. Theme Naming. Eine Sykomore ist eine Art Baum, die die Tradition der Benennung der Professoren nach Bäumen fortsetzt. Unglückliche Namen. Sein japanischer Name klingt sehr ähnlich dem spanischen Wort für Banane, Platano. Professor Kukui Der Pokeacutemon-Professor, der in der Alola-Region lebt, die sich auf die Erforschung von Pokeacutemon spezialisiert hat, bewegt sich nach oben. Das Ass. Er ist die Alola-Region, die am meisten prominent und respektiert Forscher (und in einem ziemlich jungen Alter, auch scheint er in seinen frühen 30er Jahren zu sein und zu einem Akademiker von ähnlich stehenden nimmt in der Regel mindestens ein ganzes Jahrzehnt mehr als das.) Darüber hinaus , Hes auch ein berühmter Pro-Ringer und ist vertraut mit den meisten der kahunas und Trial Captains seiner Region, die alle sind ziemlich wichtige und einflussreiche Personen. Hes auch einer der Regionen stärksten Trainer und ist mächtig genug, um als die Storylines Final Boss dienen. Und war auch stark genug, um es zum Finale Elite Four oder Champion Schlacht der Indigo League zu machen. Publikum Leihmaterial. Für die Leute, die vor 20 Jahren Pokeacutemon gespielt haben. Wie sie, ging er aber in die Kanto-Liga und weiß, wie schwer es war, aber immer noch schöne Erinnerungen daran, bis zu einem Punkt, um eine Pokeacutemon-Liga zu Alola zu bringen, während sie die Insel-Herausforderung anstelle von Gyms verwendet. Er genießt es auch, seine Liebe zu Pokeacutemon-Schlachten zu teilen und die jüngere Generation über sie zu unterrichten, genau wie die meisten Menschen ihre Liebe zu Pokeacutemon vergehen. Darüber hinaus ist sein Team richtig IVd wie alle älteren, wettbewerbsfähigen Pokeacutemon Spieler. Badass Bücherwurm: Watch Pokeacutemon bewegt sich, um sie zu studieren Er nimmt sie manchmal. Hes auch badass genug, um zu versuchen, den Titel von Champion von dir zu nehmen und sein angedeutet, dass er in der Lage war, einen Kampf gegen Lance aufzustellen. In der Hauoli City Trainer School finden Sie eine Tafel auf der obersten Etage, die Kampfschaden Berechnungen auch unter Berücksichtigung von Gegenständen und Fähigkeiten, die alle von ihm geschrieben. Badass Labcoat Notiert, wie es aufgeknöpft, um seinen Torso und seinen einzigartigen Stil zu zeigen. Großer Bruder Mentor. Breaking Tradition aus vergangenen Spielen, Kukui tatsächlich verbringt ein gutes Stück der Geschichte reisen neben Ihnen auf Ihre Suche nach der Alola Challenge abgeschlossen. Kukui fungiert als Führer und unterrichtet Sie über die Alolenkultur und betreut Sie durch die Herausforderung. Im Nachhinein nimmt Professor Kukui die Mentor-Rolle, die viele Champions in den früheren Spielen gehabt haben, was geeignet ist, wenn das nächste, was Sun und Moon zu dieser Art von Charakter haben. In der Tat, er ruft sogar die Spieler Charakter Cousin. Bonus-Chef. Ist einer der Herausforderer, die du treffen kannst, wenn du deinen Champion Titel verteidigst, nachdem du die Elite vier wieder besiegt hast. Hes auch der stärkste von allen, und wie in seinem ersten Kampf, trägt er ein volles Team von sechs Pokeacutemon. Kampf Pragmatiker. Wenn du seine Strategie nicht durch ein Shotting entweder Pokeacutemon schüttelst, bevor sie handeln können, wird seine erste Taktik sein, dass sein Lycanroc Stealth Rock eingerichtet hat, dann Spam Whirlwind mit seinem Bravary für freien Schaden auf deinem gesamten Team, solange der Vogel ist Kann es halten. Den Elementen ausgesetzt. Männliches Beispiel 8212 behält er sein Getup auf schneebedeckten Mt. Lanakila Endgegner. Hes der letzte Trainer musst du schlagen, um deinen Titel als Champion zu behalten. Die Gläser kommen ab. Er zieht seine Sonnenbrille aus, als er dich für den Punkt des Champion kämpft. Glücklich verheiratet. Professor Burnet. (Sorry, Fanboys und Fangirls.) Versteckte Badass. Kukui spricht in der Regel nur über seine kämpfende Fähigkeit, die sich selbst abschreckend erwähnte und erwähnte, wie er kein Spiel für die Turnhallenführer von Kanto war und darüber sprach, wie die Kahunas zu hart für normale Menschen sind, wie er selbst zu besiegen hat. Stellt sich heraus, er ist eigentlich einer der größten Trainer in Alola, und stark genug, um Ihren Charakter für den Titel von Champion herauszufordern. Das einzige Mal, dass er auf seine wahre Tapferkeit vor der Liga hinweist, ist, wenn er von Guzma konfrontiert wird, und selbst dann lässt er schnell den Spieler Charakter die Situation behandeln, sobald sie auftauchen. Kayfabe Er hält seine Masked Royal Persona getrennt von seinem normalen Leben als Professor. Das Spiel selbst ist zweideutig darüber, ob seine eigene Frau Burnet darin ist. Mad Libs Catchphrase Er neigt dazu, die Dinge in Vieren zu zählen und hält vier Finger, um seine Punkte zu fahren. Aus Eisen gemacht. The official description details how he sometimes takes the hits from Pokeacutemon moves himself if there is something to be learned from them. Masked Luchador. His identity as Masked Royal is such. Mr. Fanservice. Young and tanned professor Wears an open shirt showing his bare torso Doesnt fear taking Pokeacutemon hits himself Sheds his top completely when he wrestles Oh yeah . No Shirt, Long Jacket. He does have his lab coat, but its completely open, and theres no shirt underneath. In fact, when you meet him at the Pokeacutemon League site note which is atop a snowing mountain one of the responses is Arent you cold. Its also lampshaded in Lillies diary where she mentions that if everyone from Alola wears outfits like that. Paper-Thin Disguise. His Masked Royal wrestling persona. Heck, one of the first things you can say to him is . Professor. Funnily enough, of all people, his own wife cant make the connection. She appears to in the ending cutscene, but just as quickly laughs it off as coincidence. Parental Substitute. Lillie is living with him at the beginning of the game. Patriotic Fervor. Mentioned as his motivation for building the Alolan League. He wants to show the world how good his beloved archipelagos Trainers truly are, and what better way is there than turn the Island Challenge tradition into something officially recognized worldwide Theme Naming. Like all professors, hes named after a tree, in his case the Kukui or Candlenut tree, a tree found throughout the tropics and the state tree of Hawaii. Verbal Tic. He often uses the word Yeah like a punctuation, occasionally switching things up with Oh yeah. Hes also prone to let out a Woo Walking Shirtless Scene. And the game loves to lampshade it. Lillie even writes in her diary that he walks around half-naked all the time His Masked Royal persona forgoes the jacket completely. Olivia . Still havent found a shirt that goes with your labcoat Weapon of Choice. He has two when fighting you for the spot of Champion, Midday Form Lycanroc, and the starter thats strong against yours. Wrestler in All of Us. Is secretly a pro-wrestler he refers to this identity as the Masked Royal. Samson Oak (Dr. Nariya Okido) This Oak is actually the cousin of Kantos Professor Oak. Samson Oak is a researcher who is studying Pokeacutemon who have taken on Alolan forms. Big Ol Eyebrows. A trait he shares with his cousin. Meaningful Name. The name Samson is not only similar to Samuel, but it could also be a reference to the Biblical Samson and his long hair. Shaped Like Itself. Samson researches Alolan forms, and he can be seen as (and has even officially been joked to be) Professor Oaks Alolan form. Suspiciously Similar Substitute. A variant of a Kanto Professor who studies variants of Kanto Pokeacutemon. Hmm Uncanny Family Resemblance. Apart from the tanned look and mullet, he could be mistaken for his cousin. Pokeacutemon Storage System Developers Pokeacutemon Storage System Developers are the people who operate and maintain the Pokeacutemon Storage System across the Pokeacutemon world. The original developer of the system is Bill. Bill (Masaki Sonezaki) The Pokeacutemon Storage System Developer who operates on the Kanto - Johto landmass. He is a native of the Johto region with family in both regions. He is also a famous inventor and Pokeacutemon researcher who is regarded as an expert in many fields. Because of his large collection of both common and rare Pokeacutemon people, including himself, call him a Pokeacute Maniac. He considers Eevee and its evolutions as his favorite Pokeacutemon. Accent Adaptation. He speaks with a Kansai accent in the Japanese versions and a southern one in the English ones. Baleful Polymorph. When you first meet him, he has been turned into a Pokeacutemon (the miscellaneous Rhydon icon in the original, interpreted as Kabuto in the anime, Ratatta in the manga, and specifically Clefairy in the remakes) due to a Teleporter Accident. He gets better thanks to you, and gives you a ticket for the S. S. Anne as thanks. Is brought up again in Sun and Moon as the reason for Lillie taking her mother to Kanto to get in touch with him to find out how to remove the last traces of the latters fusion with Nihilego from her body . Cerebus Retcon. Being fused to a Pokeacutemon is a rather odd Big Lipped Alligator Moment. and possible Early Installment Weirdness. But a later game notes that his easy recovery from this could provide helpful information from more serious incarnations of Fusion Dance . Demoted to Extra. In Generation II. He isnt as relevant to the plot as in Red and Blue and their remakes, to the point where the original Gold . Silver . and Crystal told you right off the bat whose PC you were using to store your extra Pokeacutemon instead of labeling it Someones PC like the previous games as well as the PCs run by Lanette and Bebe in later installments. Does Not Like Spam. Doesnt like milk according to Celio from the Sevii Islands. Im Your Biggest Fan. In Pokeacutemon HeartGold and SoulSilver . a fan of Bill named Pokeacute Maniac Brent calls you occasionally to give you trivia about Bill, such as: Bills younger sister cant wink Bills first Pokeacutemon was an Abra Bills mother was a Kimono Girl Bill is not good at Pokeacutemon battles and Bill is attracted to the Goldenrod Flower Shop owners daughter. It Was a Gift. He gives you an Eevee in Pokeacutemon Gold, Silver, Crystal and their remakes and indirectly in Pokeacutemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum . Kansai Regional Accent. Hes native from Johto, thus he speaks in Kansai-ben. MacGuffin Escort Mission. In Pokeacutemon FireRed and LeafGreen . an extra quest was added after the Cinnabar Gym battle, in which Bill takes you to the first three islands in the Sevii Archipelago to deliver a meteorite. Shout-Out : His teleportation incident is a direct homage to The Fly (1986) . His name has been referred to as an allusion to Bill Gates, former head of Microsoft and developer of the Microsoft Windows operating system for personal computers. Teleporter Accident. A mishap with the teleportation device turned him into a hybrid for a while. Lanette (Mayumi) The Pokeacutemon Storage System Developer who operates in the Hoenn region. She updates Bills storage system by giving it a user friendly graphical interface and the ability to store more Pokeacutemon and change the wallpaper of the boxes Pokeacutemon are stored in. She is Brigettes younger sister. Curtains Match The Windows. It may be a little hard to determine from the picture, but when considering her sister this may just be the case. Genius Slob. Her house gets very cluttered while she researches. Punny Name. Her name is based off the small self-contained computer network known as a LAN. She also has the word net in her name. Brigette (Azusa) The host of Pokeacutemon Box Ruby and Sapphire and Pokeacutemon Bank. She is also Lanettes older sister. The Bus Came Back. Returns to operate Pokeacutemon Bank in Generation VI. Long Bus Trip. Her last appearance was three generations ago . or over ten years ago if you go by Japan. Coat Cape. Has one in Gen VI Sugimori art. Curtains Match The Windows. Shes exactly like her sister from Gen III. Dangerously Short Skirt. In Gen III, at least. In Gen VI, it is a moderately short dress. Fiery Redhead. Similar to Flannery, she has red-hair and is a go-getter. Girliness Upgrade. A slight one: In Gen III, she had short hair, a Dangerously Short Skirt. brown sandals, and looked overall like a tomboy. In Gen VI, she wears a short dress, has different, green sandals, and her hair is longer, making her look a bit more feminine (though she does still look a bit like a tomboy). Hot Scientist. Shes a really cute girl, and is as much of a genius as her sister. It Was a Gift. She gives the player special Pokeacutemon depending on how many Pokeacutemon the player has stored in their Pokeacutemon Box game. She gives out a Swablu with False Swipe, a Zigzagoon with Extremespeed. a Skitty with Pay Day. and a Pichu with Surf. For first-time users of Pokeacutemon Bank, shell give out a Celebi . Punny Name. Her name comes from bridge . a piece of equipment that connects two separate networks. It also contains the word rig . a slang name for a computer. It also doubles as a Meaningful Name. as said puns heavily relate to the fact Pokeacutemon Bank serves as a bridge of rigs between generations (namely Gen I, Gen VI, and Gen VII). Sleeves Are for Wimps. Her Gen VI artwork shows this under her Coat Cape . Celio (Nishiki) A Pokeacutemon Storage System programmer who operates in the Sevii Islands and is good friends with Bill. He runs the Pokeacutemon Net Center on One Island where he built and maintains the Pokeacutemon Network machine. Fetch Quest. He makes the protagonist search out to the rest of the Sevii Islands to find the Ruby and the Sapphire so he use them to finish the Pokeacutemon Network machine and connect with Lanette in Hoenn . Fun with Acronyms. His name may be a reference to the C orps of E ngineers L ibrary I nformation O nline, a database of all the documents in the libraries of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Bebe (Mizuki) The Pokeacutemon Storage System Developer who operates in the Sinnoh region. Bare Your Midriff. Since she uses the Battle Girls model. Dumb Blonde. Inverted. She is described as an expert in computing. It Was a Gift. She gives the player character an Eevee she got from Bill. Kansai Regional Accent. In the Japanese versions. Punny Name. May come from BB Code . Shorttank. Not only does she resemble one but with her hairstyle in the picture above she looks a little like a certain redhead from this very franchise who is the picture example for this trope. Hayley (Yukari) The host of My Pokmon Ranch and a friend of Bebe. Beauty Mark. On her right cheek. Cowgirl. The working type, since shes the owner of a ranch and has to take care of her own Pokeacutemon and the ones the player acquires. Curtains Match The Windows. Brown hair and eyes. Cool Shades. Red to match her scarf, with black frames. Olympus Mons. She offers the player a Phione and later a Mew when the ranch reaches level 15 and 25, respectively. Its not explained how she acquired them. Tights Under Shorts. She wears black leggings under her short shorts. Amanita (Shouro) The Pokeacutemon Storage System Developer who operates in the Unova region. She is Fennels younger sister. Child Prodigy. Just look at her She looks even younger than the player characters, most of whom are barely eleven, yet shes a computer prodigy. Meganekko. Fittingly for a girl as smart as she is, she wears glasses. Smart People Wear Glasses. Shes smart enough to operate an entire regions Storage System Developer, despite being even younger than the already-young protagonists Cassius (Kurokea) The Pokeacutemon Storage System Developer who operates in the Kalos region. Bunny-Ears Lawyer. Implied. He doesnt look like a professional computer expert at first glance aside from the odd supercomputer in the back of the building. Face of a Thug. When you enter his house in Camphrier Town, its mainly him, a supercomputer, and two Punk Girls. You wouldnt think for a moment that was the living quarters of the Storage System Developer. Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind. He has the same model as the Punk Guy trainer class but his manner of speaking is borderline pleasant. Genius Slob. As seen in his TCG artwork, Cassius has plenty of snacks scattered around his workspace. Hidden Depths. Considering how he talks, and the fact that his model matches that of the Punk Guy trainer class, yet he runs the system in Kalos. The Last of These Is Not Like the Others. As mentioned before, all previous system developers look somewhat geeky or professional. Cassius, on the other hand, dresses like a gangster. Smart People Wear Glasses. The Trading Card Game gives him a pair of glasses to differentiate him from the Punk Guy trainer class. May overlap with Purely Aesthetic Glasses . Molayne is a former Trial Captain, who passed the role onto his cousin, Sophocles. Now, Molayne takes care of Alolas Pokeacutemon Storage System. Affectionate Nickname. Big Mo, by Sophocles. Badass Bookworm. A computing wiz and a former Trial Captain who can still hold his own in a battle. And is good enough to challenge you for the title of Champion. Bonus Boss. Is one of the many trainers who fights you in Title Defense. Extra-ore-dinary. He specializes in Steel-type Pokeacutemon, and hands over the Steelium Z Crystal to the player after beating him. Eyes Always Shut. Outside of a Pokeacutemon battle he almost never opens his eyes. Fat and Skinny. Hes the taller and skinnier of the duo compared to Sophocles. Geek Physiques. Of the tall and skinny kind. Intergenerational Friendship. He and Sophocles are close friends despite Sophocles being young enough to be his child. Perpetual Smiler. In contrast to his cousin Sophocles, Molayne has a warm smile as his default expression, even when he loses a battle. Secret Keeper. Of sorts, regarding Kukuis extremely Paper-Thin Disguise as a masked luchador. Kukui is serious about not letting him reveal that to anyone, despite how obvious it is. Smart People Wear Glasses. Fittingly for Alolas Pokeacutemon Storage System developer, Molayne is seen wearing glasses. Weapon of Choice. Alolan Dugtrio is his strongest Pokeacutemon during your first battle with him, and his last one as a championship Challenger. Regional Game Specific Side Characters Kanto and Johto Daisy Oak (Nanami Okido) Blues older sister. Unlike her Jerkass of a brother, she is actually a kind and gentle young woman. She gives the player a Map in the Gen I games (and their remakes), and offers massages in the Gen II games (and their remakes). Big Sister Instinct. In HeartGold and SoulSilver . she worries about Blue being lonely and encourages you to call him, be it for battles or just to talk. Cool Big Sis. Sister of the rival from Pokeacutemon Red, Blue, Yellow, and their remakes. She gives the player a Town Map and grooms their Pokeacutemon for free. Friend to All Living Things. A lot of people mention how nice she is and that Pokeacutemon love her. In HeartGold and SoulSilver . shell give the player Blues phone number only after she has groomed seven Pokeacutemon and is shown one with maxed friendship. Hidden Depths. It wasnt until the remakes, but examine the right bookshelf and youll discover that Daisys a former Contest champion. No wonder shes so good at grooming Pokeacutemon. Nice Girl. Compared to her little brother, shes very polite and cheerful. However, more of Daisys personality can be seen in Blue as the series progresses, especially in Sun and Moon when its shown that hes best friends with Red again. Spot of Tea. She enjoys tea, and a mug of it can be seen on her table. In HeartGold and SoulSilver . if the player visits her from 3:01pm to 4:00pm, shell also mention that she usually has tea at this time. A little girl from Saffron City who not only loves mimicking people, but is also very good at it. Costume Copycat. She does it for fun with no bad intention. Girls Love Stuffed Animals. She collects Pokeacutemon Dolls. In the Generation I games and their remakes, if the player gives her a Clefairy Doll, shell give the TM for Mimic or teach it to the players Pokeacutemon. In the sequels, she gives the player a Magnet Train Pass for finding and returning the lost doll. Stop Copying Me. RedLeafs reaction to her. It unnerves quite a few of her peers too, if her parents are to be believed. Wholesome Crossdresser. She will imitate the male player character, including their clothes . You Gotta Have Blue Hair. Green. However, as of Pokeacutemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. she has brown hair. A kind old man from Lavender Town who looks after and takes care of abandoned and orphaned Pokeacutemon. The Atoner. Its suggested at a few points (and confirmed in Pokeacutemon Origins ) that he was involved in Mewtwos creation (which Pokeacutedex entries say involved horrific gene splicing experiments), and that after its escape, he returned Mew to Faraway Island and devoted his life to caring for Pokeacutemon. Badass Grandpa. What does he do when he sees Team Rocket abusing Pokeacutemon Walk right up to their hideout and rant about their antics. You have to rescue him once they attack the tower afterwards, sure, but you gotta give the man credit. Cool Old Guy. Hes a very nice man, especially to Pokeacutemon. Distressed Dude. Shortly after he went to the Pokeacutemon Tower to pay his respects to the spirit of the Marowak that Team Rocket had killed earlier, Team Rocket shows up again, and takes him hostage inside. Friend to All Living Things. He takes care of abandoned and orphaned Pokeacutemon. Just look at the page image. Though it is implied that he wasnt always like that. Heroic B. S.O. D.. Upon the creation and escape of Mewtwo more specifically seeing its savage heart as a result of its creation. The games only show his atoner attitude, and Pokeacutemon Origins shows the BSOD. Mad Scientist. Theres a picture of him on Cinnabar Island with the description Dr. Fuji. He is also old friends with Blaine (who in some continuities is a scientist), and is suspected to have been the scientist who created Mewtwo . My God, What Have I Done. Its implied that he is the researcher who lived in the Pokeacutemon Mansion Though the English journals use we, as if referring to a team of researchers, the original Japanese journals are written in first-person. and following the horrific DNA experiments that led to Mewtwos birth and its vicious nature, he moved to Lavender Town and began caring for orphaned Pokeacutemon . Nice Guy. How could you not respect a guy who cares for orphaned Pokeacutemon But Cinnabar Island, especially Pokeacutemon Mansion, heavily imply he wasnt always so nice to Pokeacutemon. Papa Wolf. To the Pokeacutemon in his orphanage. The Greatest Story Never Told. Would you believe that this kind old man is heavily implied to have not only discovered Mew, but also been Mewtwos creator in a time where he was seemingly less moral. He himself never brings any of it up, almost no-one in Kanto knows of his actions, and even the games themselves dont elaborate much on it. Pokeacutemon Origins . however, does . Wasteland Elder. Lavender Town has no real authority, but Mr. Fuji is well-respected to the point that he may as well be. Kiyo (Nobuhiko) Voiced By: Takeharu Onishi (JP), Dan Green (EN) The Karate MasterKing of the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City, he used to be Gym Leader, until Sabrinas Psychic-types crushed his Fighting-types. Now he trains students in his converted gym. Bonus Boss. In most of his appearances, fighting him is entirely optional, though its also the only way to get the Hitmon line outside of trading. The Cameo. Hes trying to set up a new dojo in Lumiose City in X and Y . but things arent going well. Curbstomp Battle. Prior to the start of the game, the karate Master used to be the official Gym Leader of Saffron City. This was until Sabrina dueled him for the rights. Graceful Loser. Being that hes no longer an official Gym Leader, hes under no obligation to give you anything when you beat him, he chooses to reward you with a Pokeacutemon of his own will. Kiai. Most of his dialogue. Only Known by Their Nickname. Like most of the trainers in Gen I, he didnt have a name, and was thus only known as the Karate Master. Rated M for Manly. Wields two high-level Fighting types, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. And in his sole anime appearance, he caught a powerful Tyrogue by battling it himself . Red Baron. The Karate Master, then the Karate King. Series Continuity Error. He was misnamed Koichi in both the Japanese and English versions of FireRed and LeafGreen . Training from Hell. In the Gen II games and their remakes, hes left the dojo to train deep within Mt. Mortar. Finding and beating him nets the player a Tyrogue, provided they have an empty slot in their party. Unique Enemy. In every game he appears, hes the only way to get any of the Hitmon-type Pokeacutemon. As of Gen II, you can breed other Tyrogues so you can eventually get all of them, but in Gen I the only way to get the one you didnt choose was to trade for it. Weapon of Choice. Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee. Eusine (Minaki) A strange man who is obsessed with finding Suicune. Bowties Are Cool. A big red one to go with with his nice suit. Fanboy. Of Suicune. oh so very much. Has undertones of Stalker with a Crush at times. Flanderization. In Pokeacutemon Crystal. Eusine demonstrates his knowledge of Johtos history in general and helps you get Ho-Oh. Since these plot elements are given to other characters in Pokeacutemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, all thats really left for him is his obsession with Suicune. Hair Color Dissonance Of the blond hair being represented by light brown variety. note Its never exactly clear what shade his hair is supposed to be it varies from definitely blond in his overworld sprite to light brown in the game intro and somewhere in between in his battle sprite. Heterosexual Life-Partners. With Morty. Punny Name. Eusine, pronounced you-seen, as in Have you seen Suicune Red Oni, Blue Oni. Red to Mortys Blue Oni. Sharp-Dressed Man In Pokeacutemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. a Young Couple will even call the player, mentioning Eusine and complimenting his fashion sense. The Kimono Girls (The Maiko ) A group of five, kimono-clad young women who live in Ecruteak City, and who give you the HM for Surf upon being defeated. Ascended Extra. They were mostly there so you could get the HM for Surf in the original versions and not a whole lot else. In the remakes, theyre pretty much relevant throughout the Johto section of the game, even being the ones who summon the mascot of the version youre playing. Boss Rush. In the remakes, you fight all five in a row. Chekhovs Gunman. In HeartGold and SoulSilver, they pop up once each throughout the game. It turns out that they are the ones who summon the box legendary. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass. Throughout the game, you will encounter them at certain points and likely forget not soon after. Then you find out they can kick Silvers ass and still give you a good challenge with their Eeveelutions. Geisha. Maiko, technically, but they seem to have a similar function, and theyre able to use their dance ceremony to send a call to Lugia or Ho-Oh (depending on the game). Help, Im Stuck. A variation happens in the remakes. When you encounter Sayo in the Ice Path, shell tell you that her sandals got stuck to the ice, and request your help to get her out. One Steve Limit. In the Japanese version of GSC . one of them had the same Japanese name as Maylene. It was changed in the remakes, as Maylene makes a cameo there. Took a Level in Badass. Because you encounter them much later on in the remakes, their Pokeacutemon are also obviously much stronger, not to mention you fight all five of them in a row. Even Silver got his ass handed to him battling them. You All Look Familiar. They all look like the picture above. Kurt (Gantetsu) An old man from Azalea City, and an expert in making Pokeacute Balls from Apricorns. Badass Grandpa. He charges after Team Rocket at Slowpokes Well alone, only stopped by hurting his back. He seems to have quite a reputation in Azalea, too. Cool Old Guy Item Crafting. The go-to guy for making Pokeacute Balls. The Foreigner RocketEx-Rocket Grunt Rather minor character in Gold amp Silver . who was the last Team Rocket Grunt that the player battled. Later reappeared in Black amp White having given up on his old ways and raised a family. Funny Foreigner. Has rather broken speech in Black amp White . implying that he hasnt got a terribly good grasp on the native language. HeelFace Turn. He may not be actively heroic, but we know hes given up on villainy. The Remnant. Didnt last long, though. Professor Takao Cozmo (Dr. Takao Soraishi) An astronomer from Fallarbor Town who gets embroiled in Team AquaMagmas plan for Mt. Chimney, wanting a special meteorite in his possession. While fairly minor in the original RubySapphireEmerald, the remakes expand his role and backstory significantly. Absent-Minded Professor. Crosses with Horrible Judge of Character. He initially goes along with Team AquaMagma thinking they would help him excavate meteorites, only to steal it from him. He gets better later on. Ascended Extra. Went from a minor Victim of the Week type of NPC to a major player in the Delta Episode and a far more tragic past than anyone couldve imagined. Folie. Is this to you as the player character in the remakes. Looking at the letters in Sea Mauville reveal that his father Raizo was an absolute workaholic to the point he was barely home anymore, his marriage crumbled, and Takao noticing his mother spending more time with her friend (obviously meaning she was having an affair). It got so bad that eventually both father and son grew old, and Raizo eventually began to associate a doll from his son AS his son. Compare Norman, who, while still being a workaholic, still could balance between being Gym Leader and husband and father. Meaningful Name. Cozmo being obvious, being an astronomer. Soraishi can be rendered as sky-rock, referring to the Meteorite connected to him, and Takao is derived from takai, meaning high. Mineral Macguffin. Originally, his only claim to fame was his connection to the Meteorite, itself having no purpose. Come the remakes, said Meteorite turns out to be the pseudo-Mega Stone for Rayquaza . Number Two. To Steven in the Delta Episode, serving as head of Mossdeeps mission control. Smooch of Victory. The Im so happy I could kiss you kind, to the operator who had been bugging him for the entirety of the crisis, once it boiles over. When You Coming Home, Dad. Ultimately, he never did. Worse, Raizo grew so senile that he came to think of the doll his son gave to him to help him think of him as his son . Aarune (Gilly) A world-wandering man from Unova, and expert on Hoenns secret bases. He serves as a guide to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire s new and improved secret base system, filling Brendan and May in on them as they travel the region, and even battling them at one point. Americans Are Cowboys. Despite being from Unova, a region based on the New YorkNew Jersey area . he speaks and dresses like a cowboy. Coat Over the Shoulder. Hes always seen carrying his coat over his shoulder. Understandable, considering how warm Hoenn is, he doesnt have reason to wear it. The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard. Pre-Hall of Fame, Aarunes Flygon is Level 23. Trapinch doesnt evolve into Vibrava until Level 35, and Vibrava doesnt evolve into Flygon until Level 45. Eagleland. Hes from Unova and trends on the nicer side of this trope. Giving Someone the Pointer Finger. His concept art depicts him pointing excitedly and yelling. Keet. Almost always speaks excitedly and seems to act this way, judging from his artwork. Nice Hat. He wears a snazzy-looking red fedora on his head. Theme Naming. Whatever the language, his name is a reference to the Hypericum flower genus. Walking the Earth. He has spent about eleven years wandering the world, looking for a Secret Base for himself. After meeting with the player, he seems to have settled in the Secret Base Guild in Fortree City. Weapon of Choice. Flygon. His move of choice is Secret Power, which is whats used to create a Super-Secret Base and the TM he hands out to people when introducing the concept. Flygon even has a Normal Gem to boost the moves power. Lisia (Lucia) The niece of Wallace, Lisia is a young Pokeacutemon Coordinator introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . and the most famous and popular in the Hoenn region. She helps BrendanMay get a start in Pokeacutemon Contest Spectaculars, and provides them with clothes to wear during those Contests. Affectionate Nickname. Her fans call her Lissi. Bare Your Midriff. Her outfit shows off her navel. Bonus Boss. For Contests. After youve won all the Master Ranks once, shell compete in the next one you enter with her Altaria, Ali. It has a moveset optimized for the contests category and insanely high condition. Cat Smile. When shes excited. Cool Big Sis. She gets you started on the Contest path, and congratulates you every time you win. Curtains Match the Window. Her hair matches her light green eyes. Dangerously Short Skirt. Shes not dangerous in the sense that shes good at battling but she can kick your ass when you fight her at Contests. Her skirt is a microskirt that shows her thighs and legs . Excited Title Two-Part Episode Name. Has a habit of spouting stuff like this. Famed In-Story. Noted to be one of the most famous and popular coordinators in Hoenn. Fanservice. Her outfit shows a bit of flesh. she has teases into being with the player with a bit of flirting and shes an idol star. Fashionable Asymmetry. Wears only one stocking on her left leg, as well as having a longer strip of hair on the right side of her face. Gender-Blender Name. Her Altaria is male, but she notes that many people mistake Ali for a feminine name. Genki Girl. She is very upbeat and energetic. Hair Decorations. Wears a small hair clip, which also holds a Key Stone. Idol Singer. Modeled after one, and has the in-game popularity to match. Locked Out of the Loop. When you talk to Wallace after defeating the both of them in a contest, hell mention she is oblivious to your involvement in stopping the version Primal legendary. Luminescent Blush. Very, very, very often in-game. Magical Girl. Her costume is quite similar looking to one from the typical Magical Girl genre series. Nephewism. She is Wallaces niece. Nice Girl. She picks you to be the next Contest Star, and gives you a snazzy costume, a Contest Pass, and a Pokeacuteblock Kit, all for free. Shes also very supportive and encouraging to you, congratulating you whenever you hit a new milestone. Most telling is the fact that she doesnt get jealous and overly-competitive, even stating that all she wants is for people and Pokeacutemon to have a blast participating in Contests. Ship Tease. Lisia gets quite a bit of it with the main character no matter what gender the player chooses, leading to a minor case of Ambiguously Bi . Showgirl Skirt. A short, flared-out tutu. Strong Family Resemblance. She looks a lot like a female Wallace. Turns out that shes his niece. Theres also a magazine in the Sea Mauville with a woman on the cover that looks a lot like her, possibly her mother or grandmother. Surpassed the Teacher : Wallace states Lisia has surpassed him in terms of Contest talent this much shows during Contests where they appear together. Lisias Ali will always have the higher condition. If you manage to beat her in all Contest categories, you can put her on the receiving end of this trope. Transformation Trinket. She can Mega Evolve her Altaria, Ali, using the Key Stone in her hairpin. True Blue Femininity. Wears a lot of blue that shows off her feminine charm. Uncatty Resemblance. Her outfit is stylized like her Altaria with fluffy detached sleeves and quite a lot of blue . Weapon of Choice. Her Altaria, nicknamed Ali. Who Wears Short Shorts. With a Showgirl Skirt tutu. Vague Age. Her form in the overworld is quite small and cutesy looking compared to the other adult characters and she looks about 12 which is the same age of the player but in the official art she looks about 16. It doesnt help that shes got a bit of sexual elements around her. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. She has light teal hair similar in color to Wallaces, which tipped people off that they were related. Chaz (Kazura) A Rich Boy, Pokeacutemon Coordinator and the self proclaimed rival of Lisia introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . He owns a Machoke named Macherie that he adopted. Cant Catch Up. Despite being Lisias rival, she far succeeds him in terms of fame and success. Part of this can be attributed to the fact that Chaz refused to train Macherie in anything other than Cuteness while Lisia has Ali specialized for all the Contests. Graceful Loser. Subverted. He never really lose his proud attitude but hes a good enough sport to give the player gifts to celebrate their successes. Interspecies Romance. Macherie has a crush on Lisias Ali. Pet Baby Wild Animal. Chaz adopted Macherie when she was a Machop who was living in a cardboard box after her original trainer abandoned her. The Rival. Considers himself this to Lisia, who disinterested in having rivals and believes people should enter Contests for fun. He also considers the player character to be this, especially for Lisias attention. To Be a Master. After the player beats Lisia he is inspired to start training Macherie to win all the Master Rank contests, including the Toughness category. He even starts training under Brawly and prepares to challenge Gyms to try and enhance Macheries strength. What Measure Is a Non-Cute. Chaz attempts to avert this trope. He believed Macherie is too cute for Toughness contests and refused to raise her Toughness. The problem with this is that Macherie only knows two Cute moves, neither of which are very impressive. Eventually, Chaz decides to start training her for Toughness Contests but states that no matter how tough she gets, Macherie will always be cute and adorable. Zinnia (Higana) A mysterious young lady introduced in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as a major character. A Whismur named Aster is her traveling partner. Shes a powerful Dragon-type trainer who travels across Hoenn by herself, and is capable of taking on Team MagmaAqua. Ambiguously Brown. Has slightly suntanned skin to go with her outdoorsy look. And Then What. Because her entire life led up to the summoning of Mega Rayquaza, Zinnia didnt have much of a plan for what to do afterwards. She takes to Walking the Earth at her grandmothers suggestion. Anti-Villain. Her actions in the Delta Episode are questionable, such as stealing other Trainers Key Stones, and more so when you learn she assisted Team AquaMagma in their hopes to awaken KyogreGroudon. but she only wanted to summon Rayquaza. Badass Bookworm. As a Lorekeeper, shes very knowledgeable about the history of Hoenn, particularly Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, and their ancient battles. Badass Cape. She wears a white, tattered cape around her shoulders. The Battle Didnt Count. A variation. You can lose to her after you get Rayquaza. but the game still treats it as though you won and you proceed to stop the meteor and fight Deoxys anyway. Blood Knight. Her Limp and Livid stance and Slasher Smile when battling, as well as her eagerness to battle you a final time, show shes not merely a sweet Genki Girl. She Defeats Maxie (in Omega Ruby ) or Archie (in Alpha Sapphire ) and steals his Key Stone. The defeated team leader even remarks on her mastery over Dragon-type Pokeacutemon. Boyish Short Hair. Her forelocks are grown out quite a bit, emphasizing her tomboyish personality without diminishing her femininity. Call Back. One line she says references Reshiram and Zekrom. Are they based on the ideals you cling to Or are they based on actual truths Chekhovs Gunman. First appears in Petalburg Woods, before the player even gets their first badge, then not again until the postgame. Shes dressed as a member of the villainous team of your game at the time, though, and since you dont actually run into any female grunts until at least Slateport, you could be forgiven for not noticing that the one in the cutscene as you leave Petalburg has a unique model. The Chooser of The One. Zinnia teaches you about the lore of the Hoenn region during their way up the Sky Pillar, and after the player tames Rayquaza and defeats her she passes on the title of Lorekeeper to them . Color Motif. Wears primarily black, gray and tan giving off an adventurer vibe. Curbstomp Battle : With her on the receiving end. She battles you after you capture Rayquaza, which along with being able to Mega Evolve, has a type advantage over all of her Pokeacutemon and stands at Level 70, 8 levels higher than her highest leveled Pokeacutemon, Salamence. Rayquaza alone is thus more than capable of knocking out her entire team without breaking a sweat. As for everyone else she battles on the other hand, shes the one doling them out. Dead Guy Junior. Aster the Whismur is heavily implied to be named after someone Zinnia loved very much and lost. Didnt See That Coming. Zinnias entire plan revolved around bringing Rayquaza back, using her own fervent wish to get it to Mega Evolve and destroy the meteoroid. She never expected Rayquaza itself to not be able to Mega Evolve simply because its been so long and it weakened with age . Easily Forgiven. The framing of the epilogue gives off this impression as despite having enough remorse to return all the Key Stones shed stolen. certain actions such as joining Team AquaMagma and destroying the Link Cable, right as she may be about that. are seemingly swept under the rug. Fashionable Asymmetry. Has a Mega Anklet that wraps around her right leg, which is designed after Rayquaza. Floral Theme Naming. Her name comes directly from the zinnia genus of flowers. Furthermore, her Whismur is nicknamed Aster, which is another genus of flowers. Friendly Enemy. She and the player are using different methods, interfere with each others plans, and have reason to question the morality of each others actions. Yet every time they meet, shes respectful to the point of fangirling over everything the protagonist has accomplished. This is in contrast to how she never misses an opportunity to rub in Steven being a former Champion to his face. Genki Girl. Zinnia is very cheerful when the player first meets her. Heroic B. S.O. D.. Has a brief one when she realizes that Rayquaza doesnt have enough energy to Mega Evolve, nearly making all her work during the game and her whole life as the Lorekeeper for naught. She snaps out of it when the player fixes the issue . Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons. She has a Salamence, and it can Mega Evolve. Apart from her Whismur, all of her known Pokeacutemon are Dragon-type. Hypocrite. Despite the below Hypocrite Has a Point. it goes deeper than that. She may be right in calling out Steven and Prof. Cozmo for their plan to use Infinity Energy to warp the meteor, as she believes it would make them no different than AZ using his lifeforce-powered weapon three millennia ago, and that they may inadvertently doom the people of another timeline that diverged from the Kalos war. However, when you consider the fact that she joined Team AquaMagma hoping to awaken KyogreGroudon, in the hope Rayquaza would notice and awaken, as well as seeing the failure merely as a setback, she doesnt necessarily have the moral high ground to call anyone out. Hypocrite Has a Point. As hypocritical as she is, Zinnia did have some point in that the Space Centers methods were unknowingly going to have massive consequences, and she expresses it through mockery and Sarcastic Clapping . Jerk with a Heart of Gold. She tends to mock several people throughout the Delta Episode, but has a soft spot for both the player and Aster. Limp and Livid. When entering battle, she hunches over and sways her arms while having a crazed look on her face. Theres no real reason why, and shes calm and upright the moment the battle is over. Meaningful Name. Her Japanese name refers to Red-Spider lillies, which are strongly tied to death and mortality. Similarly Zinnias means (among other possible meanings) remembrance of those who have gone. Both names refer to the fact that she has likely lost someone close to her. Ms. Exposition. She tells you the legend of Rayquaza on the way up the Sky Pillar. Never Give the Captain a Straight Answer. For most of the Delta episode she refuses to explain her plan, forcing the player to simply chase her across Hoenn. Nice Shoes. Wears cute open-toed sandals. The sandals, along with her ninja-like garbs, seem to be a walking homage to another sort of ninjas who wear these kinds of shoes . Non-Action Guy. Her Whismur, Aster, who isnt used in battle. Our Dragons Are Different. Only her Salamence looks like a typical dragon. Her Tyrantrum looks like a dinosaur. her Altaria looks like a bird, her Goodra looks like a bipedal slug, and her Noivern looks like a bat . Passing the Torch. After you tame Rayquaza and destroy the meteor, she retires, and entrusts you with her duties, before leaving to go somewhere she isnt seen again. Refused by the Call. She summons Rayquaza and tries to get it to Mega Evolve, but fails due to the 1000 years having drained Rayquaza of power. After the player characters meteorite restores Rayquazas power, Zinnia decides to let them proceed in her stead. Sarcastic Clapping. Does this whenever she praises the player or mocks someone. Sexy Backless Outfit. Her top is actually backless, the telltale string along her back being the first hint. Ship Tease. With the player regardless of gender. Slasher Smile. The look on her face during battles is unsettling. The Southpaw. Her left hand is her throwing hand and shes seen clutching a Pokeacute Ball in her left hand in her Sugimori artwork. Stepford Smiler. Her speech atop the Sky Pillar reveals that her cheerful exuberance and enthusiasm masks a deep melancholy. Transformation Trinket. She carries her Key Stone on the Mega Anklet. The Unreveal. Its never revealed in-game who Aster (the Whismurs namesake, not Whismur herself) really was, and the most Zinnia says of her is vague reminiscing. An interview with game director Shigeru Ohmori states that Aster was Zinnias predecessor as Lorekeeper. Useless Useful Spell. Like Drakes Mega Salamence, Zinnias Mega Salamence lacks Normal-type moves to take advantage of Aerilate. Vague Age. Could be anything from late teens to late 20s. The model and art makes it difficult to tell. The fact that Steven refers to her as a woman and not a girl (while the player character is explicitly referred to as a child, and as a boy or girl by even Zinnia herself) only complicates things further. Walking the Earth. After the events of the Delta Episode, Zinnia speaks with her grandmother and leaves. If spoken to, her grandmother tells you that she went on a journey to find herself. Weapon of Choice. Her Salamence is her strongest Pokeacutemon. During the final battle against her, she uses its Mega Evolution. Well-Intentioned Extremist : Joined Team Magma (in Omega Ruby ) or Aqua (in Alpha Sapphire ) during the main storyline and assisted them in awakening GroudonKyogre in hopes that Rayquaza will respond to the weather crisis caused. The fact that this doesnt happen leads to her actions in the Delta Episode. She also steals many of the characters Key Stones, including BrendanMays, Wallys, Courtney (in Omega Ruby ) or Matts (in Alpha Sapphire ), and Maxie (in Omega Ruby ) or Archies (in Alpha Sapphire ), hoping that a large number of them will enforce Rayquazas Mega Evolution. Once again, shes wrong. She returns them all once the crisis is over though. Who Wears Short Shorts. She wears grey short shorts with red ties. Battle Resort Trainers: Carnation (Sakiko) Antoin (Genya) Josephine (Minako) Kelvin (Junya) and Felix (Kojiro) These 5 trainers will be battled in the Battle Resort. These trainers will specialize in types that the Gym Leaders, Elite Fours, and Champion from Hoenn doesnt specialized. Looker (Handsome) A police agent who shows up in Sinnoh to try and arrest Team Galactic. He later shows up in Unova, requesting the players help in finding and arresting the rogue Seven Sages of Team Plasma. He shows up again in Kalos in a sidequest where the player character becomes his partner in a private detective agency in Lumiose City. He shows up once again in Alola where he is working with former Frontier Tycoon Anabel to put a stop to the Ultra Beasts invading the region. Ascended Extra. Hes appeared at least once per generation since his first appearance all the way back in Pokeacutemon Platinum. Thats even more than Cynthia. But Now I Must Go. At the end of his sidequest in X and Y . The Cameo. Shows up in the postgame of Black and White, again in the postgame of X and Y . once more in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . and once more in the postgame of Sun and Moon. . Catch Phrase. I need three minutes, and he likes to describe things as hard-boiled. Character Development. In Pokmon X and Y . Hes one of the focal characters of a rather large postgame sidequest, during which he gets more characterization and backstory. Cloud Cuckoolander. Even in his native language, he still comes off as more than a bit odd. A Day in the Limelight. Gets his own major quest chain in the Pokmon X and Y and Pokmon Sun and Moon postgames. Dead Sidekick. His backstory implies that a Pokeacutemon partner of his was killed prior to the events of X and Y, making him decide to work alone. Funny Foreigner. His manner of speech suggests he is not a native speaker of the language, and hes certainly an unusual fellow. X amp Y go out of their way to explain this. He speaks fluent French (the language the games are technically in) but when a Kantonian woman walks in screaming in fright in Japanese, Looker mistranslates what she said as something about being dishonored about bad tea. She was robbed and her Pokeacutemon were kidnapped. X amp Y also seems to suggest that his native tongue is some sort of alt-Germanic language. He has a tendency to resort to speaking in his native tongue when panicked during his quest in Alola. Anabel has to continually ask him to speak in English (or whichever the games language is in) when he does this. The Gambler. After the main scenario in the Sinnoh games, he can be found at the Game Corner playing slots. You can also see him there before you fight Maylene, though he claims its because hes looking for Team Galactic . Goroawase Number. His old codename in the Japanese version, No. 836. Hard Boiled Detective. He continuously claims to be this, but he really, really isnt. Hidden Depths. In X and Y . its mentioned by Emma that he used to have a Pokeacutemon as his partner, but it didnt make it during a case a long time ago. Come to think of it, he did have a Croagunk in Platinum that hasnt shown up since. Interpol Special Agent. Hes a member of the International Police. Known Only by Their Nickname. His real name has yet to be revealed. Laser-Guided Amnesia. In Pokeacutemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . hes found on the beach in the Battle Resort, having washed up there with no memory of who or where he is. Leet Speak. As revealed in Sun and Moon . he used to go by the codename 100kr. Leitmotif. Has his own disproportionately epic theme music kick in whenever he rushes onscreen. Master of Disguise. He disguises himself as a rock in Platinum . as the player characters mom in Black and White and as a random old man in Sun and Moon . Mission Control. Serves as this in the Ultra Beast missions of Sun and Moon . giving you information on what the Beasts can do and serving as your main contact as Anabel is out running damage control. My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels. He is not however a master of languages. He speaks good French, but poor English and Japanese. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. When Looker, Nanu, and an unnamed Faller were on a mission to destroy a Guzzlord in the past, Looker couldnt bring himself to kill it. This resulted in the Faller getting killed by Guzzlord . Non Sequitur. At the beginning of the post-game, your mother asks Looker what him giving you the Super Rod has to do with catching Team Plasmas agents. His response Absolutely nothing Parental Substitute. To Emma in X and Y . but only temporarily, as once his work in Kalos is done he has to leave the region. On the other hand, once he does depart, he arranges for Emma to keep using the agency building so that she no longer has to live out in the streets. Private Detective. He uses this as a cover for his Interpol work in X and Y . Private Eye Monologue. Indulges in this after each of his missions in X and Y . Punny Name. His Japanese name is Handsome, which was changed to Looker in the English version to reference both his Japanese name and his job as an investigator. What Happened to the Mouse. Youd think hed should up again in Black 2 and White 2 to pursue the rest of Team Plasma, but hes oddly absent. Due to the timeline showing that X and Y take place at the same time as Black 2 and White 2 . its most likely the case that he was busy in Kalos during the events of the game. Stat Trainers Appearing in Pokeacutemon Diamond, Pearl amp Platinum . they can be encountered at a certain point during the players journey. They also appear in the Generation IVs Battle Tower (Which includes HeartGold amp SoulSilver ) as possible partners for the Multi Battle Room challenge. Each of them specialize in certain stats. Color-Coded Characters. Cheryl is green, Mira is pink, Riley is blue, Marley is black, Buck is red. Competitive Balance. They all specialize in certain stats in the Battle Tower. Cheryl is HP, Mira is Special Attack, Riley is Attack, Marley is Speed, and Buck is both Defense and Special Defense. Curtains Match the Window. Though only partially for Buck. Theme Naming. All of them are named after grains, though some are more obvious then others (to wit: Cereal, Millet, Rye, Barley, and Buckwheat). Weapon of Choice. Each of them are associated with the Pokeacutemon they use as a tag partner in your encounters with them. In order: ChanseyBlissey for Cheryl, Kadabras evolutionary line for Mira, Lucario for Riley, Arcanine for Marley, and Claydol for Buck. Cheryl (Momi) A young woman whom the player crosses paths in Eterna Forest. Ascended Extra. A minor character in Generation IV, but she and Chansey appear as the protagonists of Episode 10 of Pokmon Generations . Damage-Sponge Boss. Her team is filled with Pokeacutemon with a high HP stat. Hit Points. Her stat specialty. Luminescent Blush In Generations . her cheeks are constantly blushing. The same applies to her Chansey. Nice Girl. Shes sweet and soft-spoken, she has a Chansey, which evolves though happiness, and in Platinum . she gives you the Soothe Bell after you help her through Eterna Forest. Weapon of Choice. Chansey, which evolves into Blissey in Gen IVs Battle Tower and Platinum s Battleground. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. A forest-green shade. Mira (Miru) A young girl whos found lost inside a cave and needs to be escorted out. Badass Adorable. You first find her lost in a cave with a powerful Psychic Pokeacutemon as her partner. Fashionable Asymmetry. One pigtail is pulled into a shoulder-length loop while the other hangs down past her hips. Hero-Worshipper. A few lines indicate that she admires the player character and their way of raising Pokeacutemon, wanting to be just like them. Squishy Wizard. Her team specializes in the Special Attack stat. (Many of them arent that fragile, but power is always their first priority.) Weapon of Choice. KadabraAlakazam. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. Pink. Riley (Gen) A young man who keeps peace at Iron Island. Badass in a Nice Suit. Admit it, he has an awesome outfit. He also fills the badass trait with being one of the two stat trainers to confront Team Galactic with you in some way. Battle Aura. In Platinum . he gets an animated sprite where he stretches his hand. You can visibly see his own aura engulf it for a moment. Bish333nen. Is certainly androgynous enough to fit the bill. Expy. Looks like a reincarnation of Sir Aaron. down to the blue Nice Hat to their signature Pokeacutemon. Fedora of Asskicking. Works well with his suit. Gender-Blender Name. It fits with him being a bishonen . Glass Cannon. His team specializes in the Attack stat. (Many of them arent that fragile, but power is always their first priority.) Hidden Depths. Hes implied to be close to Byron, as the latter initially chose him over Roark, his son, to take over as the Oreburgh Gym Leader. Nice Hat. His fedora is a nice touch when hes dressed as a Badass in a Nice Suit . Non-Idle Rich. He actually owns Iron Island, or at least the mines on it, and helps you to navigate them and drive off some Galactic Grunts. Peek-a-Bangs. A variation in that his official art has the corner of his hat tilted downwards as so to cover his right eye. Riddle for the Ages. Whats his connection to Sir Aaron, if any Sharp-Dressed Man. His outfit consists of a rather formal suit and Nice Hat . Tall, Dark and Handsome. Dark hair (and clothes to an extent), seems pretty tall, and rather good-looking. There Is Another. The first living, modern-day aura user in the franchise. Vague Age. Looks to be in his late teens at youngest and mid-20s at oldest, but if you talk to Byron, hell comment that he has no idea how old Riley is. Weapon of Choice. Lucario. This doesnt reinforce his expiness at all. What Could Have Been. In-universe. Byron previously asked him to be the Oreburgh Gym Leader, but he turned down the position because he thought Roark should be considered first. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. Its a darker shade of blue than his outfit. Marley (Mai) A very quiet young girl who wishes to find the Legendary Pokeacutemon Shaymin. Ascended Extra. Takes part in the Shaymin event in Pokeacutemon Platinum . Elegant Gothic Lolita. Her appearance looks fairly similar to the Gothitelle line. This was before the Gothitelle line came along, by the way. Foreshadowing. When talked to, she mentions the Pokeacutemon among flowers. This is referring to Shaymin, a Pokeacutemon that wasnt available in a legitimately until a while after Pokmon Diamond and Pearl s release. Hair Decorations. Various bows and ribbons. Fragile Speedster. Her Pokeacutemon specialize in Speed. The vast majority of them are unable to take multiple hits. Kuudere. . I might like battling with you. Just a little. Only a tiny bit. The Quiet One. If you talk to her when partnered up, she notes the player character as very chatty. The Stoic. Manages to be more effective at this than Cyrus . Weapon of Choice. Arcanine. Buck (Baku) A trainer who wants to explore Stark Mountain to find Heatran. In Platinum, he instead helps deal with the remnant of Team Galactic. Always Someone Better. To Barry. Fiery Redhead. Rather feisty and has the most attitude of the partners. Fittingly, hes the younger brother of a Fire specialist. Heel Realization. Realizes that stealing the magma stone was not a good idea, so he decides to fix it by returning it to Mt. Stark. Hot-Blooded. He is the younger brother of Flint. after all. Jerk Ass. Comes across this way in Diamond and Pearl. Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Its toned down in Platinum, where he helps the player with dealing with Team Galactic. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero. Taking the magma stone. Fitting the trope even more, the player helps him with this. Stone Wall. His team specializes in both the Defense and Special Defense stats. The Unfought. His first appearance in Diamond and Pearl seems to set him up as an opponent. However, for some reason you end up teaming up with him instead. You can fight him at the Battleground later, if you wish. Weapon of Choice. Claydol. What Happened to the Mouse. He runs off to return the Magma Stone. If you try to follow him, you will find an awake Heatran and no sign of Buck or the stone. This is the last time you see Buck outside of the Battle Tower. Obviously he got out okay and the volcano didnt erupt, but still. Fennel (Makomo) A young woman from Striaton City, and close friend of Professor Junipers. She is a scientist who specializes in studying Pokeacutemons dreams. She serves as a guide in the Pokeacutemon Dream World. Curtains Match the Window. Her eyes match her hair color. Custom Uniform. Her design is heavily based off of the other females of the Scientist class, but she has a flower hairclip to set her apart. Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy. Does this in her anime introduction. With her lab coat, oddly enough. Forced Tutorial. Even if you choose No when she gives you the Game Sync tutorial, she will still explain it to you. Hair Color Dissonance. Well its sorta . purple. Are they going for blue, actually Hair Decorations. Her clip matches the pattern on Munna. Heterosexual Life-Partners. With Juniper. Hot Scientist. Whether or not she surpasses Juniper in this regard is up to you. Meganekko. Shes got glasses all right Nice Girl. Despite her. insistence. she is otherwise a very kind woman. Pink Means Feminine. She shows a lot of pink her hairclip, her sandals, her inner top, and most of all, her Pokeacutemon Munna and Musharna. Rapunzel Hair. Thats about as long as her labcoat. YancyNancy (RuriRukko ) The female worker option should the player be male in Black 2 amp White 2. Beauty Mark. Right below her left eye. Catch Phrase. She always ends her sentences in an awkwardnervous laugh Ahaha. The Confidant. Nate becomes this to her she talks to him about her insecurities and aspirations, and asks him advice on how to deal with family problems, competitiveness with co-workers, and how she looks in her hat. Apparently. he gives excellent advise. Distaff Counterpart. To Curtis. She appears if you play as a boy. Fangirl. To Elesa. Yancy all but squees when interviewing her, and when Elesa smiles at her, Yancy wonders if its okay to be this happy. Ferris Wheel Date Moment. With Nate, if her Sidequest Sidestory is followed. Guide Dang It. Good luck actually completing the sidequest without consulting an online walkthrough, because even the official guide is horribly unclear. Hair Decorations. In her stage outfit she has a yellow and pink ribbon in her hair, and what is either a headband or her headset. Implied Love Interest. More or less her purpose. The official guide even calls your friendship with her a romance She even writes a love song about her and Nate, sometimes on the Celebrity TV Channel it will say shes about to sing a song she wrote titled Xtransceiver Love, awwww . Living a Double Life. Her day job is being a TV personality and celebrity idol named Nancy, who can be frequently seen on the Celebrity programming choice when watching a TV. Luminescent Blush. After calling her a certain number of times, shell gain one in her talk sprite. Crush Blush. The obvious reason. Nice Girl. Shes quite sweet and friendly. Nice Hat. When off from work, she even asks if you like it at one point. Rose-Haired Sweetie. Offensichtlich. Ship Tease. It eventually becomes pretty obvious that she has a crush on Nate. Schrdingers Player Character. If you play as a female character, Yancy still exists and can be seen on TV doing interviews the player just never interacts with her. Sidequest Sidestory. After finding her lost Xtransceiver, you can initiate a series of calls with her and eventually trade Pokeacutemon with her. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. Pink. CurtisChristoph (TetsuTenma ) The male worker option should the player be female in Black 2 amp White 2. Adorkable. Unbedingt. As he gets to know Rosa on a personal level, he begins to open up, and for someone who is a rather famous and popular TVRadio host, hes surprisingly insecure and not at all conceited. Beauty Mark. Right below his mouth. Catch Phrase. Of a sort. He tends to end his interviews with a seemingly awkwardnervous laugh. Ah ha ha As he becomes more comfortable with Rosa, he gains another: Curtis: Um. I hope you can help me with this. Classy Cravat. He wears one with his stage outfit. The Confidant. The same with Rosa as Yancy is with Nate. Curtains Match the Window. His eyes are green like his hair, and his vest. Ferris Wheel Date Moment. With Rosa, if his Sidequest Sidestory is followed. Guide Dang It. Good luck actually completing their sidequest without consulting an online walkthrough, because even the official guide is horribly unclear. Implied Love Interest. More or less his purpose. The official guide even calls your friendship with him a romance Living a Double Life. His day job is being a TV personality and celebrity idol named Christoph, who can be frequently seen on the Celebrity programming choice when watching a TV. Luminescent Blush. After calling him a certain number of times, hell gain one in his talk sprite. Nice Guy. Hes quite sweet and friendly. He also often talks about his family, and his dialogue makes it clear how much he loves them. He even asks Rosa for advice when he has disagreements with them, and usually resolves to sincerely apologize and avoid making the same mistake in the future. Nice Hat. When off from work. Ship Tease. It eventually becomes quite obvious that he has a crush on Rosa. When on the Ferris wheel with her, he even goes so far as to say that while the Unova region is certainly very pretty, its not the only thing thats pretty around here. Oh, Curtis . Schrdingers Player Character. If you play as a male character, Curtis still exists and can be seen on TV doing interviews the player just never interacts with him. Sidequest Sidestory. After finding his lost Xtransceiver, you can initiate a series of calls with him and eventually trade Pokeacutemon with him. Spear Counterpart. To Yancy. He appears if you play as a girl. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. Green. Professor Burnet The professor in charge of the Pokeacutemon Dream Radar application. She searches for abnormalities in different spaces where Pokeacutemon and items dwell. She makes her first main series appearance in Pokmon Sun and Moon . The Bus Came Back. Returns in Sun and Moon having married Professor Kukui between appearances. Dark-Skinned Blonde. Keeps her white hair but gains a tan in Sun and Moon . likely due to the tropical climate. Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu. She built the radar so she could study Pokeacutemon and the Dream world. She ended up helping catch the Kami Trio. And, if the player has any of the Generation IV game cards, she thinks about a theme, builds a new extension, and lets you catch the title Legendaries for those games. Einstein Hair. Female variant, less balding. Failed a Spot Check. Shes apparently unaware of the fact that her husband is the Masked Royal. Or she might be in on the Kayfabe. Its a bit ambiguous. Fangirl. Of The Masked Royal. Not surprising, given that shes married to him, although the ending implies she may or may not actually be aware of his real identity. The Friends Who Never Hang. With Kukui. Theyre apparently married but they seem to live and work on different islands and dont spend a lot of time on-screen together. Goggles Do Something Unusual. They are presumably the same type of goggles the player uses to interact with the Interdream Zone. Hot Scientist. Look at her suit. If you dont get it, look again. Latex Space Suit. Never actually explained. Married to the Job. She makes a point of mentioning that she needs to go outside. Minimalist Cast. Unless you count the Kami Trio. she is the only character in the Dream Radar application. Unexpected Character. As the sole character off an application game from Generation V, she was the last person one would have expected to show up in Alola. Parental Substitute. It is revealed that she discovered Lillie on a beach some 3 months before the game begins, She and Kukui took her in. This ends up becoming more tragic in hindsight when more about Lillie is revealed later in the game . Younger Than They Look. May have all-white hair, but was in college with Fennel. Grace (Saki) She is the parent of the protagonist in Pokmon X and Y. She (and by proxy, you) just recently moved to Vaniville Town, not realizing that her child would start on a Pokeacutemon adventure. She was also a world famous Rhyhorn racer but now retired, with her Rhyhorn pet resting in front of your lawn. Action Mom. Was a former Rhyhorn racer, who was very popular back in her day. Famed In-Story. She has a large amount of fans in the Kalos region due to being a professional Rhyhorn racer even to this day. No Name Given. She never actually mentions her name, but other NPCs will allude her. Tomboy. Implied with her former profession. Dexio and Sina (Gina) Assistants to Professor Sycamore. They appear repeatedly through the game to power up the players Pokedex. They reappear in Sun amp Moon . asking player for help in tracking Zygarde. Ambiguously Brown. Sina is noticeably darker in skintone than Dexio is. Badass in a Nice Suit. In X and Y . they are very well-dressed and are implied to be competent trainers. The badass part is confirmed in Sun and Moon . where you actually get to fight them (although they ditch the suits for more casual vacation attire). An Ice Person. As revealed in Sun and Moon . Sina specializes in Ice-type Pokeacutemon, and uses a Mega Abomasnow when you fight her in the postgame in Moon . In the Battle Tree she mixes things up with Moon s version exclusives. Leitmotif. Have a very friendly-sounding one and a more energetic version as the Defenders of Kalos. McNinja. Their Defenders of Kalos costumes have this kind of motif. Palette Swap. They wear the Kalos Ace Trainer outfits in X and Y . though white instead of black and purple. Paper-Thin Disguise. The Defenders of Kalos arent fooling anyone. Pink Girl, Blue Boy. In Sun and Moon Sina wears pink shades and sandals while Dexio wears blue shades. Proud Beauty. Sina. She introduces herself by saying that Sina is a beautiful name for a beautiful lady in Sun and Moon. Psychic Powers. Sun and Moon reveals that Dexio specializes in Psychic types, and even has a Mega Alakazam when you fight him in the postgame in Sun . In the Battle Tree he mixes things up with Sun s version exclusives. Red Oni, Blue Oni. Sina is brash, impulsive and loud while Dexio is collected and more patient. This is represented in their masks and scarfs8212Sina wears red ones, Dexio blue ones. Scarf Of Ass Kicking. While they are the Defenders of Kalos. Sentai. Their Defenders of Kalos disguises are made to evoke sentai. Super Mode. They reappear in Sun and Moon carrying Mega Rings. Dexio uses Mega Alakazam against you in the postgame both before giving you a Key Stone and in the Battle Tree in Sun . while Sina uses Mega Abomasnow in the Battle Tree in Moon. Theme Naming. Their names are derived from the Latin words for left (Sina) and right (Dexio). Those Two Guys. Are almost never seen apart from one another. The Unfought : Despite being implied to be powerful trainers, you never fight them in X and Y . Outside of the Battle Tree. you only fight Dexio in Sun . once in Heahea City and once post-game on the Ancient Poni Path. In Moon however, you fight Sina instead in Heahea City but still fight Dexio on the Ancient Poni Path. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. Sina has violet hair. Mr. Bonding A peculiar man who shows up in various towns in X and Y . Talking to him will make him grant you a new O-Power to use. Ascended Extra. . While he and the Pokeacutemon Center men (the quintet who joined to create him) remain minor NPCs, their role has been expanded since Generation III, since they actually reward the player with O-Powers for talking to them, rather than each simply commenting on the players chosen trendy words, how many other players theyve traded with, etc. More importantly, it turns out he had a more tragic past than it seemed, and a good reason to feel all but outright said to be suicidal when you meet him in Mauville Hills: he was apparently the one left with the task of laying off many people from the Mauville Corporation once Wattson decided to shut down the project, as evidenced by a letter in Sea Mauville. Sun and Moon later reveals that the O-Powers themselves were brought to Earth by an alien man, who became an amnesiac after giving them all to the 5 men. The Atoner. He used to be a man who felt powerless after he had to fire a ton of people from their jobs. After becoming Mr. Bonding, he travels the world to give power to everyone. Catch Phrase. Its bonding time Does This Remind You of Anything. In X and Y . Mr. Bonding is found in various hotel rooms (if a town has one) and bonds with the protagonist. That the O in O-Power hasnt been elaborated on also hasnt escaped the players. Fusion Dance. Is the result of a six-way fusion between the five strange men in the Mauville Pokeacutemon Center and a powerless man. Inexplicably Awesome. While providing you with extremely useful O-Powers is great, theres just something. not right about him. Played with and expanded upon in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . which reveals his origins. Porn Stache. Considering its association with porn, it makes him even more unsettling. Real Men Wear Pink. Is always seen sporting a pink tuxedo. Sharp-Dressed Man. Wears a flamboyant pink suit. Socialization Bonus. The O-Powers he bestows encourages this. The player can level them up faster and receive more significant effects from them by sharing them with other people in the Player Search System. Super Empowering. The ability to give people O-Powers they can use on others. Take Up My Sword. The man in Haina Desert gave his O-Powers to the old men, which ended up having some unfortunate side effects on himself. The old men then fused with the powerless man to give him their power. This resulted in the creation of Mr. Bonding, who takes over their role as power givers. You Gotta Have Blue Hair. It isnt that unusual for characters to sport brightly-colored hair, but when the player and most NPC models have normal tones, Mr. Bondings purple stands out. Also noticeable are the men who fused to become him - for instance, Giddys hair isnt just blond its bright yellow . Unmarked Spoilers for X and Y below Do you want to know unending pain. like I have A mysterious Trainer from X and Y . The player encounters him several times throughout their journey. He is incredibly scornful and nihilistic in regards to humanity. He is in fact the ancient king of Kalos from thousands of years ago, granted eternal life by the Ultimate Weapon after using it to revive his deceased Floette. Age Without Youth. Played with, according to Word of God he continued to age despite being rendered immortal, but still looks a bit younger than youd expect a 3,000 year old man to be. Anti-Villain. Up there with N in terms of being sympathetic. The Atoner. For killing thousands of Pokeacutemon and people to use the Ultimate Weapon and revive his Floette. Badass Grandpa. Hes 3000 years old, and also a decent fighter. Physically, hes stuck in his fifties or sixties. Blow You Away. His Sigilyph. Cursed with Awesome. He was cursed with eternal life for the past 3,000 years. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up to interpretation. Dishing Out Dirt. His Golurk. Death Seeker. Heavily implied, which is stunning given it is a Pokeacutemon game. Earn Your Happy Ending. It takes 3,000 years of Walking the Earth before he finally redeems himself and reunites with his Floette. Emperor Scientist. The former King of Kalos, who also built a doomsday deviceimmortality machine. Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas. Word of God confirms that his Floette was a gift from his late mother, which may explain why he loves it so dearly. Flying Dutchman. Of the Wandering Jew sorts. He was cursed with immortality as a side effect of the Ultimate Weapon and has been wandering endlessly for 3,000 years searching for his lost Pokeacutemon. Friend to All Living Things. Similar to Bianca in your final battle with her, all three of his Pokeacutemon have the move Return. The Ghost. In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . He doesnt appear directly, but he plays a notable part in the backstory of some elements in the game. The Giant. HOLY CRAP. Either in Super-Deformed mode or realistic-size-in-a-cutscene mode, the player character is barely taller than his knee . Hes described as being 9 ft. tall or taller than a stretched out Seviper is long. Gentle Giant. Though it turns out he is rather nice once his nihilism is gone. Good thing too, because he wouldve been a very imposing villain otherwise. According to Word of God his height is a side effect of the Ultimate Weapon making him immortal. invoked Greater Scope Villain. Sort of - hes not actively malevolent any more. His device is the reason that Lysandre is almost able to wipe out everyone on the planet, but he doesnt have that direct an impact on the plot, at least until towards the end. Huge Guy, Tiny Girl. Platonically, with Floette. Humans Are Bastards. He has something of a nihilistic and negative view on humans, in part due to his own actions. Immortality Immorality. On the one hand, becoming immortal himself wasnt his main goal. On the other hand, he was willing to and did sacrifice many others to revive his partner, causing them to abandon him. Leitmotif. A very solemn piano theme plays during his scenes. Meaningful Name. A to Z, as in, the beginning to the end. Mind over Matter. His Sigilyph. Older Than They Look. He looks very very good for his age and hasnt seemed to have aged past 50-60 physically. Though even then people in reality would shrink as they age, he did the opposite. Pet the Dog. While he was still something of a nihilist, he stopped at Sootopolis City and planted a large tree in front of the Cave of Origin as a gift. Perpetual Frowner. Hard to blame him considering his backstory. He does smile after battling the PC at the end though. Pintsized Powerhouse. His Floette, according to X amp Y s coding, knows Light of Ruin . the most powerful Fairy-type move that even Xerneas cant get as yet. Playing with Fire. His Torkoal. Post Final Boss. You battle him directly after your fight with the champion, meaning you are probably more than capable of defeating his three Pokeacutemon. Not to mention their levels are a lot lower than the Elite Four and Champions Pokeacutemon. AZ may not be at your level when you fight, but theres no denying that his team is good. Rapunzel Hair. Sure, it might only reach his waist, but hes about three metres tall which means that its about six feet long. Really 700 Years Old. Hes an immortal, and hes been Walking the Earth for 3000 years. Additionally, all three of the Pokeacutemon he uses in battle are either associated with ancient civilization or longevity. Torkoal is based on a tortoise, which can live for multiple centuries, while Sigilyph and Golurk have been described as being around since ancient times. Real Men Wear Pink. His best friend is a Floette . Restored My Faith in Humanity. After battling the PC, hell come around to this. Rummage Sale Reject. Potentially justified. as given how disheveled he looks, he may well have been homeless for a long time, leading to this trope. Not to mention the issues in finding things that would fit . given his size. Shout-Out : Seems to be one to Odin, whos noted in the myths as being very tall, having only one eye, and sometimes appearing to travelers as a ragged old man. Fitting, since all three Kalos legendaries are based off Norse creatures. Theres also hints of Gilgamesh in him too. Specifically: In the Epic, Gilgamesh traveled long and far in his quest for immortality for himself after the death of his closest companion, Enkidu paralleling AZs Walking the Earth to reunite with his Floette. As stated previously, he also has hints of the medieval Christian legend of the Wandering Jew. Soul Power. His Golurk. Superweapon Surprise. Built a giant superweapon capable of mass destruction. Tears of Joy. After reuniting with his Floette after 3,000 years, he is so overwhelmed with joy that he cant even stand . Unwitting Instigator of Doom. It is very heavily implied in the Delta Episode that his use of the ultimate weapon resulted in the birth of Deoxys, who first started antagonizing the Earth around three thousand years ago. Walking Spoiler. He had so many spoiler tropes that he got moved to another folder. Walking the Earth. Has been doing this for 3,000 years . Hes confirmed during the Ruby and Sapphire remakes to have planted the giant tree in Sootopolis City and once saw Mega Rayquaza intervene in a fight between Groudon and Kyogre many years ago. Was It Really Worth It. In regards to ending the war with the machine. Weapon of Choice. Floette. What Happened to the Mouse. Is never seen after the parade, leading questions to his and Floettes whereabouts. What the Hell, Hero. In the backstory, Floettes reaction to the Ultimate Weapon and the cost of her resurrection was to turn her back on her beloved master and abandon him for three thousand years. Clearly, she thought hed crossed the line, even if she couldnt articulate it as such. When He Smiles. After your fight with him, he smiles for the first time since you met him and thanks you for freeing him from the torment of his past, which leads into Earn Your Happy Ending above. Who Wants to Live Forever. Hes been alive for three thousand years. He doesnt enjoy it. Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds. His Floette died in the war and drove him to make a giant superweapon. Emma (Matiegravere) A parentless 16-year old who lives in the alleys of Lumiose City where she goes to play with her Espurr Mimi and school children. She later is recruited into Lookers agency and eventually sees him as a father figure. Action Girl. When she uses the Expansion suit to fight crime. All-Loving Hero. To the point where Xerosic pulls a HeelFace Turn. even going out of his way to make sure Emma doesnt get blamed for the crimes she committed while Brainwashed and Crazy . Asskicking Equals Authority. She is the boss of the Lumiose Gang. This is actually invoked, as she explains that the gang gave her trouble but she beat them herself in the past, making them think she was their boss. Badass Adorable. Also rather adorable and kind. Bilingual Bonus. Her conversation with the Kanto woman is not very polite. The Kanto woman (who is frustrated and scared over the theft of her Pokeacutemon) insults Lookers and his partners intelligence, and Emma does not respond well to this, angrily calling the woman out for her rudeness. Bittersweet Ending. Looker leaves Kalos behind, but he purchases the agencys building so that she can live under a roof. Furthermore, she also gets Xerosics suit so that she can become a crime fighter. Bonus Boss. After clearing Lookers sidequests, she can be fought using the suit on certain days in the agency. Clothes Make the Superman. The suit she uses is designed so that her human capabilities are increased drastically to allow her to be an adequate Shapeshifter with capabilities matching that of a Ditto and Kecleon. It also grants her the ability to leap tall buildings In a Single Bound . Compressed Hair. How Emma manages to fit all that hair into her helmet is the true miracle of science. Cunning Linguist. Despite her lack of formal education (she apparently couldnt even read before Looker took her in), shes bilingual, able to speak both Kalosian (French) and Kantonian (Japanese). Dark Action Girl. When she was being controlled by Xerosic. Dark is Not Evil. Inherits Xerosics Crobat and Malamar, two mons she apparently befriended rather quickly. Earn Your Happy Ending. She goes through a lot before she gets one with Mimi. Happily Adopted. By Looker, sort of. Heartwarming Orphan. Rather nice and kind, and also an orphan. It Was a Gift. Lookers agency building from Looker and the suit from Xerosic along with his Pokeacutemon. Lotus-Eater Machine. Whenever she wears the suit, Emma is put to sleep and her body is controlled remotely. In the end, Xerosic turns the sleep mode off to allow her to use the suits powers as how she sees fit. Morality Pet. Mimi whenever Emma is wearing the suit that puts her in a sleeping state. Emma herself becomes this to Xerosic, who ends up pulling a HeelFace Turn for her sake. Non-Human Sidekick. Mimi. Emma does not actually own Mimi, but they are extremely good friends. Understandably, Mimi never actually fights, Orphans Ordeal. After she is recruited into Lookers agency and learns that they dont have much food to go on, she decides to take a part-time job to help with the expenses. Unaware, she signed with Xerosic to test his suit technology. Ragtag Bunch of Misfits. The Lumiose Gang eventually settle into the Looker Bureau, aiding Emma in her crusade for justice. Secret Identity. While using the suit, she uses the codename Essentia. Social Services Does Not Exist. Why the hell is a 16-year-old orphan wandering the streets of Lumiose City for so long Street Urchin. Cut very clearly from the sort of 19th-century mold embodied in the works of men like Victor Hugo . Took a Level in Badass. Thanks to the Player Character, Looker, and Xerosic, she is essentially equipped to be able to engage in a detective business by the end of her story with the use of acquired skills, a powered suit, and 12 Pokeacutemon. Walking Spoiler. Arguably the most mysterious and least anticipated character in the whole X and Y cast. Being a sweet innocent girl who subconsciously commit crimes while wearing a villainous costume is the main reason for why that is. Lillie (Lilie) A mysterious girl who assists Professor Kukui for personal reasons. Shes not a trainer, because she dislikes seeing Pokeacutemon get hurt. She is fiercely protective of a strange and temperamental Pokeacutemon named Cosmog, nicknamed Nebby, that she carries around in her bag. Adorkable. Not obvious at first. but as the game goes on and she opens up more to the protagonist and others, she veers squarely into this. The best examples being her calling her Significant Wardrobe Shift her Z-powered form, referring to a lot of relatively simple things as her trials and the fact she will often do a Z-pose after either of those. Aerith and Bob. She has a very common name compared to the rest of her family (Gladion, Lusamine, and Mohn). A Girl And Her X. Lillie and Cosmog, who can become either Lunala or Solgaleo depending on the version. Badass Pacifist. Lillie isnt a trainer, and for most of the story outright abhors Pokeacutemon battling, but she always sticks to her convictions, and even becomes your traveling partner while traversing Vast Poni Canyon. Big Little Sister. When compared to her brother Gladion or even the playable character. she is slightly taller than both of them. And no, thats not including the hat. Blush Sticker. When she gets mad (usually when the player is given the option of a flippant response to her), she puffs up her cheeks as they turn red. But Now I Must Go. After the player becomes the Champion, she decides to go to Kanto to start her journey as a trainer. Calling the Old Woman Out. When Lusamine details her whole plan to Lillie and the protagonist while theyre inside the Ultra Beasts home dimension, Lillie responds with Thats terrible, Mother You are terrible Doubles as a Kirk Summation because Lusamine is in full Evil Matriarch Brainwashed and Crazy mode at that time. Character Development. Over the course of the story, she becomes more confident and outgoing, thanks to the player characters influence. By the end of it, she grows interested in Pokeacutemon battles, and decides to start her own journey in Kanto. Character Tics. After her makeover, she often makes a fist pump with both hands. Crazy-Prepared. Despite not being a Pokeacutemon trainer herself, she still carries plenty of trainer gear on her at all times, including Potions and Repels. Justified. since traveling across the islands necessitates traveling through a lot of areas with dangerous Pokeacutemon, and it pays to be prepared. Cute Bookworm. She loves to read, and her loft bedroom at Professor Kukuis place is full of high-level books. Dark and Troubled Past. Her father vanished into an alternate dimension, prompting her mother Lusamine to obsessively search for him and neglect Lillie and her brother. Exposure to the Nihilego drove Lusamine further to insanity, to which Gladion eventually grew sick of and ran away from with Type:Null. Unfortunately, this left Lillie being the only one to endure the brunt of Lusamines now-exacerbated psychosis and obsession with the Ultra Beasts for two years. Three months before the game begins she followed suit with Nebby, and spent much of it afterwards fearing capture by both the Aether Foundation and Team Skull. Deuteragonist. The main story is as much about her as it is about the player. Its most prominent during the Poni Island arc, where she travels right by the players side across the entire island. Disappeared Dad. While we know eventually her mother is Lusamine. not many details are given about her father. Later on, its explained that her father was lost into an Ultra Wormhole and never came back, which is what probably drove her mother to deep end with her fixation on Ultra Beasts. Though piecing some information together will point out that her father is Mohn but nobody else knows this fact . Even the Girls Want Her. Hapu got too distracted by how lovely Lillie was (her exact words) to give you the Mudsdale ride in Malie City. Acerola also seems very happy to spend time with Lillie as well. Expository Hairstyle Change. Along with changing her outfit, she also puts her hair up in a ponytail prior to the departure to Poni Island, in order to prominently delineate her strengthening resolve. Expy. Of N from Pokmon Black and White . Both are characters which are mysterious at first with a sad backstory with an awful parent of the same gender who leads the local villainous team. Both credit their friendship with the protagonist as the reason for the drastic changes in worldview they undergo over the course of their respective games, but leave UnovaAlola at the end of the game. Eye Take. When she scoffs at Haus misuse of land ahoy and asks Kukui and the protagonist to back her up, and Kukui sides with Hau and makes a bad joke, Lillies momentarily stunned, causing her eyes to briefly turn into black dots and her mouth to become a tiny triangle. It happens again briefly when Hapus Mudsdale gallops up behind her and loudly neighs to her. Folie. Visually serves as a foil to her brother Gladions red and black color scheme. Within the story, she acts as a foil to her mother, Lusamine. Lillie serves as the responsible and protective mother of Cosmog, while Lusamine says she has no children directly to Lillie. Foreshadowing. Her response to meeting the protagonists mother for the first time is to remark, You. have a very nice mother, dont you, foreshadowing the very bad relationship she has with hers . Green Eyes. Shares this trait with her brother Gladion, mother Lusamine, and father Mohn. likely as foreshadowing for the relation they all share. Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold. Blonde-haired and a very good person. It stands in stark contrast to her mother . Hair-Trigger Temper. Downplayed. Shes usually pretty polite and soft-spoken, but if you choose certain lines of dialogue while talking to her, her cheeks will puff out as well as turn red and shell start snapping at you. Happily Adopted. Professor Burnet found her and Nebby on the beach three months before the start of the game, and Burnet and Kukui have been taking care of her ever since. Lillie later admits that she sees Burnet like an actual mother figure. Implied Love Interest. For the male protagonist, at least. During the Exeggutor Island rain cutscene, Lillies dialogue differs depending on the protagonists gender. If the protagonist is male, she say that when she becomes a trainer, shed like to travel together with them. While if the protagonist is female, she simply says that she wants to learn all of the things they know (though she still has a lot of Ship Tease with them, much like Shauna from X and Y ). I Want My Beloved to Be Happy. After Nebby turns into the mascot Legendary of the game. it wants to stay in the Alola region and go on adventures with Lillie. However, Lillie realizes she cant give the new Legendary the adventures or battles it desires, so she allows the player character to capture it instead so that Nebby will be happy. Kid with the Leash. To Nebby, after it evolves into SolgaleoLunala. Little Miss Snarker. Downplayed. Some of your responses as well as Hau bring out this side of her on occasion but thats all there is. The Medic. Shell frequently heal the players team throughout the game, especially at the Trainers School, and later while traveling through Vast Poni Canyon . Ms. Fanservice. Not in a typical sense, but when Lillie changes into her new outfit, a lot of the characters call Lillie beautiful (including the girls ) and when she shows up in her new outfit the camera pans to her chest and legs for a couple of seconds. Mysterious Waif. Not much information was given about her in the pre-release period of the game, save that she was crucial to the plot of Pokmon Sun and Moon . And during the early portions of the game itself, she tends to be very evasive and shy about personal details. This is largely due to her awful relationship with her mother and her shame at having been witness to the early stages of Aethers plan. Nice Girl. She has plenty of praise and compliments for the people around her, she treats others with respect, she was willing to defy her own mother to protect Cosmog. and at a few points in the story shell heal your team. Speaking of her mother, Lillie in fact, forgives Lusamine for everything Lusamine did, and took Lusamine with her on her journey to Kanto, because she heard that Bill had a similar situation to Lusamine fusing with Nihilego and wants to see if he can help get rid of the last bits of Nihilegos neurotoxins from Lusamine. Nice Hat. Lillie wears a white, wide-brimmed hat, presumably to protect herself from the sun. Its also likely part of what her mother forced her to wear to make her look more like UB-01, and once she starts to defy her mother and changes her outfit she ditches the hat. No Sense of Direction. Its made apparent that its easy for her to get lost, and how she almost always has to travel with someone else as a result. In fact, one of her idle animations is looking around confusedly. Not So Different. On Poni Island, Plumeria says that Lillie is very much like Lusamine, in that they both have extremely strong convictions. Like Mother, Like Daughter as one would say. Oblivious to Love. She doesnt seem to be aware of Haus rather explicit crush on her. though the two are still friends regardless. One Head Taller. Shes actually slightly taller than the protagonist is, regardless of gender, though its slightly more dramatic when youre playing as female. She likely inherited Lusamines height genes. Pacifist. Dislikes Pokeacutemon battles, but makes exceptions for the protagonist. And just as often, shell heal up your Pokeacutemon after they get into a fight with others. Eventually she comes to see that Pokeacutemon battles arent that bad, and even goes to Kanto to become a trainer herself. Perpetual Frowner. Her official artwork depicts her frowning, and shes definitely this at first, a small pout being her near-constant expression. As time passes and she opens up more to Hau and the player, she gradually starts to smile more and more. Amusingly, a look at the artwork for all her in-game facial expressions 9674 shows that her eyebrows are naturally crossed into a furrow. Red Herring. Prior to the release of the game, many assumed that Lillie would ultimately be the second rival and pick the starter that has the type advantage to the Player Character. This ends up not being the case and its Professor Kukui who gets that starter. Additionally, many fans predicted that Lillie may be UB-01, or that UB-01 may be the creature living in her bag. The reason she looks like UB-01 is actually because her insane mother dressed her up that way thanks to her obsession with the Ultra Beasts. Why UB-01 behaves like a young girl, however, is never explained. Shes Got Legs. When she changes into her new outfit, the camera has a couple of images focusing on her legs. Apparently hair and eye color isnt the only thing Lusamine passed down to Lillie. She Cleans Up Nicely. She turns very pretty when she changes her outfit . Shrinking Violet : In the Pokmon Sun and Moon demo, she will run away from you even if you simply ask her name. Justified, considering how she is obviously very protective of whatever lives in her bag. In the main game shes also very shy by nature. Significant Wardrobe Shift. After getting rescued from Aether Paradise, Lillie decides to don a new outfit as representative of her getting out of her mothers influence. She calls it her Z-powered form. The Smart Girl. Examining the bookshelf in her loft in Kukuis lab shows that shes quite interested in advanced scientific concepts. Tiny Guy, Huge Girl. Shes Huge Girl with Male Protagonists Tiny Guy. Tomboyish Ponytail. Later in the game, she changes her hairstyle to that of a ponytail. Took a Level in Cheerfulness. After the players first battle against Lusamine, she not only undergoes a Significant Wardrobe Shift and ties her hair up into a ponytail. she considerably becomes more cheerful, outgoing and open. Took a Level in Kindness. At the start of the game, while generally respectful and polite, shes also rather cold and aloof towards others, and generally looks down on the Hau and the players lifestyles as trainers. With time, though, she gradually opens up more and more, becoming significantly more cheerful and energetic, and eventually decides to become a Pokeacutemon trainer herself, complete with her own personal journey in Kanto. Tsundere. Type B she is for the most part a polite and kind-hearted person, but does have an angry side, as seen if the player decides to be snarky to her. Uncatty Resemblance. Due to her clothes, hat, and hairstyle, she has a striking resemblance to Nihilego. It turns out that Lusamine dressed Lillie up like that on purpose, due to the formers obsession with the Ultra Beasts. Lillie eventually subverts this by getting a change of clothes later in the story, though she still seems to prefer white. Walking Spoiler. Despite being the players constant companion throughout the game, you wont learn much about Lillie until Sun and Moons closing hours of main-story content. Woman in White. Wears white clothes, both before and after her costume change. Younger Than They Look. Shes around 11, the same age as the protagonist, but is taller than both them and her older brother Gladion . The caretaker of the Pokeacute Pelago archipelagos. Character Tics. Hardly ever takes his hand off his chin. Hidden Depths. He was the former president of Aether Foundation, husband to Lusamine, and father to Lillie and Gladion. In the past, he was absorbed into an Ultra Wormhole and later on came back out somewhere else - surely Poke Pelago - with no recollection of his past. Laser-Guided Amnesia. He apparently has lived his whole life raising the archipelagos. In truth, he is a former Aether Foundation president who got lost inside an Ultra Wormhole and came back out with his memories lost . Nice Guy. Hes very hospitable to both the player character and all of the Pokeacutemon staying at the Pokeacute Pelago. Nice Hat. He wears a straw hat, presumably to block the sun. Not Quite Dead. Is presumed to have died after being absorbed into the Ultra Wormhole when in reality he is alive. One Steve Limit. Zigzagged. He has the same name as the former president of Aether Foundation, but due to physical similarities with Lille and Gladion, the two are heavily implied to be the same person. Punny Name. His name is basically the last syllable of Pokeacutemon. Small Role, Big Impact. Youll only ever see him if you open Pokeacute Pelago, but his disappearance basically drives the entire plot of the game, namely Lusamines motivation was to find him after he vanished. Strong Family Resemblance. Blond hair and green eyes surely are too prominent, dont you think Additionally, his hair also resembles Gladions if you take a closer look. Trademark Favorite Food. Pokeacute Beans - fitting, as thats the only kind of food that seems to be available on the Pokeacute Pelago. Ugly Guy, Hot Wife. Hes fairly rotund, with noticeable hair on his arms and dressed in very simple clothes. Lusamine is his wife Unwitting Instigator of Doom. His disappearance led to his wife becoming emotionally abusive to their children and eventually her obsession with Ultra Beasts. thus kicking off the plot of the game. Walking Spoiler. Hes the father of Lillie and Gladion and husband of Lusamine . Tristan (Tarou) A Youngster Trainer who shows up early on Route 1. Badass Adorable. Hes a Youngster which means hes just a little kid. He ends up being stronger than the Elite Four and his team was made to defeat them. He has a Dark type for Acerola (Sharpedo), a Flying type for Hala (Emolga), a Grass type for Olivia (Exeggutor), and while he doesnt have a Rock type for Kahili he does have Tauros with Rock Slide and Magmortar with Thunderbolt . Bonus Boss. Tristan is one of the Title Defense challengers . Boss In Mooks Clothing. One of the Title Defense challengers, Tristan is just a regular Youngster with a significantly stronger team than all the other ones found outside of battle facilities . Chekhovs Gunman. Tristan appears very early in the game, even before you got your first Pokeacutemon. He asks the Professor if he has any recommandation for a move. Post-game, he asks the same to you again when he is challenging you for your Champion title . Gradual Grinder. Implied, as he says that he trained as much as he could on Route 1. Since Route 1 has very weak Pokeacutemon, and if Tristan really only trained there, then it makes his team look even more impressive when he challenges you for the Champion title. Took a Level in Badass. Hes an early Youngster, but post-game, he becomes one of the Title Defense challengers. He also has an impressive line up of Pokeacutemon (Emolga, Sharpedo, Alolan Exeggutor, Magmortar and Tauros). Unexpected Character. Who would have thought that a Youngster would become one of the Title Defense challengers Walking Spoiler. He is one of the defense challengers . Weak, but Skilled. Implied. Tristans team is weaker than the entire Elite Four, yet he has managed to get past them and is one of the Title Defense challengers and his team is also pretty varied of types with some of them such as Emolga and Sharpedo having low base stat totals . Weapon of Choice. Tauros. A rockstar from overseas who specializes in Dragon-type Pokeacutemon. He only appears as one of Title Defense challengers as he came to Alola to spread his fame. Anime Hair. His hairdo is best described as someone trying to emulate a fanged maxilla, blood red gums included. Be Yourself. He gives this advice to the protagonist after the battle8212as Ryuki explains, while critics loved his music, his music wasnt selling very well for a while. But he didnt give up, since rocking is who he is down to his bones. So he advises the protagonist to also be who they are down to their bones. Bonus Boss. He is only fought as a Title Defense opponent. Face Framed in Shadow. His upper face is shadowed up, with his left eye being visible, albeit in a glowing white eye kind of way. Only through the character design sheets you find out that he does this on purpose to disguise his baby-face 9674 . Giant Space Flea from Nowhere. The only Title Defense challenger who isnt someone you have previously met. Large Ham. He speaks like the famous musician he is (Allow me to introduce my bandmates Come on, babies), his motion towards his Pokeacutemon during battle is a punch toward the sky. and his ponytail is constantly ruffling from an invisible gust of wind. Meaningful Name. His name is derived from ry363 (Japanese for dragon). He specializes in Dragon-type Pokeacutemon. Multicolored Hair. His hair is blood red with white bangs. Our Dragons Are Different. He is a Dragon-type specialist. Weapon of Choice. Though all of his Pokeacutemon are the same level, his ace appears to be Kommo-o based on its placement at the end of his team. Who Wears Short Shorts. Ryuki does, with some sort of chapsthigh-high boots combo worn with it. The Old Man in Haina Desert A strange amnesiac man who can be found in Haina Desert. His memory can be regained if you show him a Solrock or Lunatone. Ambiguously Brown. Despite being an alien from outer space. he has the generic tan-skinned Old Man overworld model. Applied Phlebotinum. After giving his star pulses to the old men, he ended up getting amnesia due to losing it. Luckily enough for him, Solrock and Lunatone can produce more at will . Call Back. Based on how certain revelations are taken, his backstory explains what produces the O-Powers, how they came to Earth in the first place, and how they got into the hands of the old men who would become Mr. Bonding . Human Aliens. He outright says that his home is in space and teleports up after regaining his memories. Irony. Fills in the final holes in the backstory of Mr. Bonding and the O-Powers, despite the fact that Sun and Moon themselves cut the O-Power feature . Laser-Guided Amnesia. Lost his memory after giving away all his O-Powers . Red Herring. He asks to see a Pokeacutemon related to the sun or moon, and given the box Legendaries of the games he appears in, one couldnt be blamed for assuming he was talking about Solgaleo or Lunala. Instead, he needs to be shown Solrock or Lunatone, Pokeacutemon that arent native to Alola. Star Power. Refers to the O-Power as star pulses. Kagetora and The Eeveelution Users A group of trainers who were active roughly 30 years prior to the events of the games. A post-game side quest involves Kagetora sending you to find and defeat all eight of the Users. They all use one of the eight Eeveelutions (except for Kagetora, who uses Eevee). In General Never Mess with Granny. All of them are reaching old age. The only exceptions are Kagetora, whos approaching middle age, and Sakura, who has passed away. You fight her granddaughter Kira instead, who is no older than preschool age. Darker and Edgier. Contrasting most in-game Pokeacutemon stories, this particular side quest is rather serious, dealing with themes such as old age, letting go of the past, and death. Informed Ability. Kagetora describes all users in great detail, often mentioning their amazing, almost super-human qualities. Aside from their battle abilities, which are indeed good, the player never gets to witness said qualities. The conversation with Braiden implies their larger-than-life reputations may have been the result of rumors and exaggeration. I Was Quite a Looker. Its implied all of them were good-looking in their youth. Jane, Ishaan, and Linnea in particular are described as being particularly attractive and charming. The latter actually averts this: Shes as beautiful as ever, but only thanks to massive amounts of money being spent on near-constant medicine and plastic surgery. Reality Ensues. They all work as a Deconstruction of sorts to the concept of the Pokeacutemon trainer as a whole: After their prime, they all left the Trainer scene and had to focus instead on their families and jobs, like any other adult. As it turns out, Pokeacutemon Trainer is not a feasible career option for a lot of people, even in the Pokeacutemon world. An employee at the Thrifty Megamart, and also a retired trainer now focusing on raising his son and paying off his mortgage. He sends you on an errand to find and challenge eight powerful trainers. Non-Elemental. Uses an unevolved, normal-type Eevee as his only Pokeacutemon. This Loser Is You. Downplayed. Since the franchise is already more than 20 years old, its a given that at least a few of the older Pokeacutemon fans can identify with his newfound responsibilities. This, however, is played sympathetically, and is treated as another fact of life: People grow up and now have to do things besides battling Pokeacutemon all day. Polly (Elise) A female trainer who uses a Vaporeon in battle. She works at the Pokeacutemon School in HauOli City. Almighty Janitor. Nowadays, shes a window cleaner, but her Vaporeon is still as powerful as ever. Making a Splash. Her only Pokeacutemon is a Vaporeon. Mundane Utility. Her Vaporeon uses its water-based powers to help her clean windows. Chad (Cloud) A male trainer who uses a Flareon in battle. He likes to stay at the Tide Song Hotel in Heahea City. Blood Knight. He had a fiery disposition in his youth and loved looking for fights. Playing with Fire. Uses a Flareon as his only Pokeacutemon. Stage Magician. He was one before retirement. Jane (Orochimaru) The Jolteon user. Nowadays, she hangs out at the Malie City Community Center. Scatterbrained Senior. A serious example, played for drama. She still recalls her days as a trainer, but she apparently has no memory of who Kagetora is. Its heavily implied this is due to Alzheimers, senile dementia, or a similar disorder. Shock and Awe. Uses Jolteon, the Electric-Type Eeveelution. She was described as a Thunder striking from a blue sky and uses a few lightning-themed metaphors. Ishaan (Kaiser) The Espeon user, who supposedly could charm the Sun itself. Works at the Geothermic Power Plant. Psychic Powers. Uses the Psychic-Type Espeon in battle. The Power of the Sun. Uses Espeon, a Pokeacutemon thats heavily associated with the Sun. Also, he was said to be able to charm the Sun itself, back in his youth. In his old age, he says that just as the Sun rises and sets, he, too, will set soon. Braiden (Zerok) A man surrounded by mystery, with quite a few rumors of black magic and the occult floating around about him back in the day. Fittingly, he uses an Umbreon. To this day, he has a habit of going to HauOli Cemetery every night, presumably to perform some sort of odd ritual. Back from the Dead. A rumor persists that he once died and came back to life. By his own admission, this was a misunderstanding after he got sick and had to spend a long time in the hospital. He goes on to say that death IS final, and that as much as he would like the rumors to be true, one day, soon, he will die, and itll be for good. Combat Pragmatist. A given, since he uses the Dark-Type Umbreon. Dark is Evil. A Dark-Type user with a foreboding, creepy reputation. A reputation that he really, really doesnt live up to. He may not be completely nice (he wanders away from the hospital and his presumably concerned son on a regular basis), but hes a perfectly normal, polite gentleman with no actual relation to the occult. He did, however, enjoy playing up the rumors in his youth. Lunacy. Uses Umbreon, a Pokeacutemon heavily related to the moon. In battle, he likes to use the Moonlight move . Rea (Citone) A cool beauty who was merciless in pursuing opponents who has a Glaceon. She lives in Iki Town and wants nothing more than to spend time with her grandchildren. An Ice Person. Uses Glaceon, and shes said to have a soul of ice. Linnea (Rene) A model famous around the world for her breathtaking beauty back in the day. Her Leafeon was said to be able to bring any withered plant back to full bloom. Likes to stay at the exclusive Hano Resort in Heahea City. Green Thumb. Shes the Leafeon user. Magic Plastic Surgery. Shes supposedly the same age as all the other Users, who all appear as the character models of elderly NPCs (Gentlemen, Janitors, and Madames). She instead appears as one of the very youthful female Swimmers. Downplayed, because she still has to constantly visit her beautician to maintain her looks, and according to her, her body is falling victim to the ravages of age anyway. Still, no real life doctor is that good. Older Than They Look. Despite being an old woman, she looks far younger as a result of plastic surgery. SakuraKira (SakuyaKirari) Sakura was adored by Fairy-type Pokeacutemon. She lived in Seafolk, but she died a year ago and her role as Sylveon user was passed to her granddaughter, Kira. Friend to All Living Things. Sakura was a friend to all Fairy Pokeacutemon, who were drawn to her pure nature. Lunacy. Sylveons lunar association is shown via Moonblast, and it often uses that move in battle. Posthumous Character. She died about a year prior to the events of Sun and Moon .

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